Does anyone have any opinions on Sentinal deworming pills that are taken monthly for the rest of dog's life? Never used it on my previous pet but my vet says it's pretty necessary... it's kinda spendy...
If you live in a state that has heartworm, then it is advised to use year around. But living in walla walla I've never had to use it on my dogs because we don't have heartworm. You'll also need yearly testing, I believe.
We have used Sentinal with our doodle. My vet recommended using it only in the spring and summer months. He didnt think it was necessary to use it year round.
Our vet just prescribed it when we had Marley spayed. Can I say OUCH...they are not cheap! He specifically recommended them because we do a fair amount of hiking and have young kids in the family. Apparently some of the pathogens can be passed to kids.