Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am continually fascinated by the friendships made between dogs at my dog park. Sadie, for example, loves to play with puppies close to her own age. Her two best friends are a five-month-old German Shepherd puppy and a six-month-old retriever/lab mix. Whenever they see each other they joyfully run headlong toward each other as though they didn't just see each other the day before, and proceed to take turns chasing each other, tumbling each other, and generally making mischief. But what's even more interesting to me is which adult dogs Sadie chooses to bestow her affections on (whether they like it or not). She absolutely loves all Great Danes (and large dogs in general), and will follow them all around, jumping up to lick their faces. She also is very partial to a greyhound named Willow, who is utterly indifferent to Sadie's wheedling. As for the other doodles who come to the park (and there are at least four or five regulars), they are very ball-focused and not too interested in the other dogs, and Sadie has never shown much interest in them.

So my question for those of you who spend time in dog parks, or whose dogs spend times with other dogs--what dogs do your dogs love?


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Sophie Bear pretty much loves any dog, whether they like it or not. That being said, her best friends are a flat coated retriever named Lilu, a lab mix named Abe, a cockapoo named Rufus, a golden doodle named Hank, another golden named Kaz, a tiny boxer named Piper, and a bernadoodle named Tilly. A couple recently brought home a street mutt from Ethiopia, and Sophie loves her too. her name is "Puddles", because they found her in a puddle.


Sophie Bear loves little dogs, big dogs, old dogs, young dogs, slobbery dogs, furry dogs, shaved dogs, it doesn't matter at all. As long as they will tolerate her kisses and efforts to get them to chase her. That being said, I've noticed that she is learning when to stay away from a dog who doesn't want her around. It's neat watching her interact with other dogs, and seeing how she evolves as she matures.


Oh, and she loves kitty cats so much! especially her own, Penelope.


I love my doodle!

Aww! Sophie Bear sounds so much like Sadie--always more than willing to spread the love around. Her new favorite friend is an adorable pit bull puppy named Rocky--he's less than half her size but he loves to run around with her.

So sweet! :)


Luna loves our next door neighbour's cats.. but the neighbours won't let Luna play with them.


So sad, I think they would love it.  The cat is absolutely obsessed with watching Luna play and vice versa!



Hi Sherrie and Becka...

Sasha is a lot like SophieBear and Sadie too!  By the way...they are Both Beautiful Doodles!!

She is such a "lover"...of all dogs and people too!!

It seems like Doodles are like that...doesn't it?

They are the "Lovers of All"...and I think that's one of the reasons why I love them so!!

Actually...I love people like that too!!  Lol...

yes! doodles are so amazing. They melt my heart and make me so happy. I forgot to add that Sophie Bear LOVES small kids, especially babies. When she gets up to them she is so happy and can't stop licking their hands and feet. Oh my doodle, I can't imagine having any more love in my heart. She is so wonderful!


thanks for the compliment. Your Sasha is so gorgeous too!

Thanks, Susan! I don't know why, but so many of the other doodles that come to our dog park aren't as sweet and outgoing as Sadie--they just want to play fetch with their owners. But there are some wonderful exceptions, like Ben the goldendoodle, who gets the ball in his mouth and then runs around showing it to everyone, barking (with the ball in his mouth!) the whole time.

Luna has a best friend (a smallish mix named Sammy) who lives 2 doors down.  They go absolutely NUTS when they see each other.  She doesn't play with any other dog the way she plays with Sammy.  They wrestle, chase, grab each others' neck scruff and ears... never a mean growl or a yip, they know each others' boundaries.  Luna's favorite trick is to grab Sammy's collar and body slam her into the grass.  They take turns being dominant, even though Luna is about double Sammy's weight.


I found a picture of Sammy on the humane society website as a puppy.  She's 2 years old now, but looks pretty much the same!  We think she's spaniel, beagle and... a few other things ;)

At the dog park - Luna gravitates towards Westies, dogs about Sammy's size (20 ish pounds) and any dog that will chase her!  That usually means Boxers and puppies.  She is extremely submissive and rolls on her back for any dog who wants to sniff her.  If they wag and seem to want to play, then she gets up and tries to entice them into a game of chase.  She's very fast though so often the other dog will give up!

Awe! Luna is sweet! I hope her and Sophie Bear get to meet up one day, I bet she will be able to keep up with Luna. Sophie Bear often has to run slower in the dog park in order to keep the game going. lol.
Camus likes all dogs, no special preferences: small, large, flat coat, long hair, etc. He tries to lick every dog's face which is a submissive behavior, but at the same time he never lays down on his back. He stays away from mean dogs and ignores dogs who bark fiercely at him. We started going to dog parks a couple of weeks ago and went for 6-7 times already. Met at least 30 different dogs. Camus was doing fine and he definitely prefers puppies to older dogs. But the last time we had a bad accident: Camus was attacked by a pitbull. :(
Oh! I'm so sorry to hear that! Is Camus OK? Were you able to talk to the pit's owner about his/her dog's aggression issues?

Yes. Thanks for asking. He was attacked yesterday. Fortunately, no wounds.

Today we went to the dog beach and Camus had great time off-leash playing with dozens of dogs w/o any problem. 

I'm so glad he had fun at the beach and continues to love playing with other dogs. I haven't taken Sadie to the dog beach yet. I'm still a little concerned about her recall, so I'm going to give it another couple of months of training. It will be interesting to see how she responds to water.



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