Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi there!

I have an 8month old male goldendoodle named Bandit. He is my sunshine.  Im totally new to this site and have no friends that own goldendoodles so I was hoping to find some here! add me if you would like :)


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Welcome.  Only been here a couple of months...Beware it's addicting
Welcome, jump right in and in no time you will have all the friends you need. Beware, like Elizabeth said it is addicting.
Friend request sent!  WELCOME Leah & Bandit (he's adorable).

Welcome to DK Leah. You made 8275 new friends just by joining. :-)

Friend request sent.

Welcome!!! LOVE your taste in doodle names!!!
Welcome Leah and Bandit!  You will find DK  becomes a habit quickly, and everyone here is very friendly.
Welcome to DoodleKisses - the best website around for doodle lovers everywhere.  You have already joined several groups and will find dogs and people of interest in those groups.  I have a goldendoodle and an ALD.  We are in California but are good friends with Utah.  Great place!  We have done lots of bike riding there, without dogs unfortunately.  Our dogs love to go on short bike trips also, but my husband does things like five mountain passes and 400 mile trips.  Not for me or the dogs.  So what do you like to do in Utah?
Hi, We have two Goldendoodles. One 4 years old who behaved calmly and quietly all of his life.We got our second last fall. He is a crazy, silly, rambunctious boy. At one year we are still dealing with chewed things he shouldn't have gotten into. But he is fun and silly and makes us laugh every day. We all call no 1 THE GOOD DOG, no 2 not so much. They are getting to be great friends and we are loving that. Our pup is delightful albeit naughty as can be. His grooming is easy as pie. He sheds a little bit but does not mat. The older dog does not shed at all but we keep his hair at one inch to prevent matting. I have groomed them both and find it a great option to leaving them someplace and getting a bad haircut. It is only because of this site that I have found great nutrition and learned to groom and train them. I hope you enjoy this site. Everyone here is your friend.

Hi and Welcome.

Love your profile picture    Beautiful.

Many of us have formed meaningful friendships here all brought together by our dogs.    Enjoy! 

Why the sad face?
I need to go find some glasses. I typed that just by feel... and I am terrible at proofreading    :)   I edited it out... but here is a smiley for you Both!  LOL

Welcome, Leah. Have fun finding your way around DK. It is a great place to meet friends.




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