Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Fudge and Vern have had a great summer full of sun and fun. They love chasing each other in the yard, chasing squirrels and/or chipmunks, and basking in the sun.  My only concern is they seem to sneak off from time to time to quench their thirst. Please let me know if you think Fudge and Vern have a drinking problem and what I can do about it!  Be honest!


Fudge Drinking:

Vern Drinking:

Caught in the act again:

I even filmed a little of it, just so you could see both of them in action:

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These are priceless! lol
I have a scaredy cat doodle (Dolly) and I always think of Vern as her brother from another mother.  SO I am completely amazed that he just marches up to that sprinkler.  Maybe there is hope that my pup will be brave about something.....
Jeanne, Vern loves having a sister on DK...LOL! He watches sometimes to see what Fudge will do first, but he was brave with the sprinkler. Plus, it satisfies his need to be wet and then he always follows the sprinkler with a roll in the grass, so he is then wet and dirty :) Now, I just bought him a new bed and he is a little intimidated by it...go figure :) You just never know with Vern.
Have not been on DK in a few days due to being backe to teaching kindergarten and have no energy left in my body. But boy oh boy was it cute to see that video. Thanks for the smile. If it was wine or beer I would worry.

Thanks, Anna. Hope everything is going well :)


Well yes-BUT...they don't seem to hide it and are not embarassed so you shouldn't be either!

YOU are in control-lefty lossie rightie tightie you can simply cure them by turning it off! Until they wander off and find a puddle somewhere or a leaky faucet-they will always find it if they feel the need for it. LOL!

Jennifer, Thanks for the laugh :)
I'm sure they can quit anytime they want.  So it's not a drinking problem.  Unless your sprinkler sprinkles tequila.
I hope you are right. Maybe I had better check out the sprinkler, although I hate tequila :) Where did I put my lemon and salt??
How Wally drinks!
Awww....that is so sweet. Vern used to do that too when he was little. Wally is adorable.



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