Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ernie came to us with minor stomach issues at 3 months old. He was on Taste of the Wild Bison all ages food. He would faithfully throw up every morning until I realized that he needed to eat a small serving right before bed. Just when I thought I had that situation fixed, he got very sick and started vomiting with diarrhea about 1 hour after he ate. The vet thought it was an obstruction and after about 1 week of torment and $1000 later, we changed his food to Fromm's Puppy Gold. He did well on that up until about 5 weeks ago at which time he was having consistent "pudding" like stools which then turned into diarrhea. Stool samples ruled out parasites/worms, and the vet suggested that it was a possible food allergy or too much protein in the puppy food. We were told to put Ernie on a diet of boiled hamburger and white rice until his stools firmed up and then begin an adult lamb and rice kibble. After about 5 days of the bland diet we began California Natural Lamb and Rice food at about at total  of 1/2 cup per day mixed in with his burger and rice. Two days into it he began chewing on his paws like a crazy puppy. We stopped that and tried California Natural Chicken and Rice and had the same outcome. The nutritionist at the pet store recommended raw as the next step feeling that we wouldn't need to ease him onto it being that he was used to his boiled beef.  We found that the food would stick with him for about 4-5 hours tops and he would throw up bile. Back to the bland diet and another type of kibble-Orijen Adult Dog Food. After about 3 days of 1/2 cup per day mixed with bland diet he ended up with pudding like stool again and was up every hour on the hour that night. We are currently on only boiled hamburger and rice again and his stool is formed and firm. I added a Kelp supplement to his food along with Prozyme since I am very concerned about his growth an development being only 8 months old and all is well. He desperately wants kibble but I just don't know where to go from here anymore. I have over-evaluated this and would love any suggestions or input from those of you that may have experienced similar problems. My vet has thrown his hands up in the air and said it's just a matter of trial and error at this point. Can my dog really survive and get all of the nutrients that he needs out of this boiled hamburger and rice? UGGGGGHHHHH! Poor Ernie just wants to eat like the rest of his friends!

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I know this isn't on topic... but since we are speaking of flea preventative, I am positive that either the heartworm preventative, or the flea preventative that we are giving Allie is causing diahrrea.  We give them both at the same time, so I'm not sure what one is causing it.  We have been giving her the same preventatives since she was a puppy... Interceptor and K9 Advantix 2.  The only thing different (since the diahrrea) was that I bought the K9 Advantix 2 from petmeds rather than from the Vet this time.  Surely this can't be different than the K9 Advantix 2 from the Vet's office, right?  It's the 3rd month that this has happened, so I'm positive that it's one of them. 


Kim, I stopped buying the flea and HW preventatives on-line and went back to getting them from the vet, despite the slightly higher cost, due to quality issues.

For years I've heard that much of what is sold on-line is counterfeit, and I'm starting to believe it.

Well I guess it's back to the Vet we go for next month's supply!  I have a 3 month supply of the K9 advantix left which is now garbage I guess.  I heard about the counterfeit meds online, but thought that petmeds had a good reputation.

I was using Foster & Smith, which also had a good rep, I thought.

But then I got my chewable Heartgard order, and instead of a sealed box with one lot number and expiration date (and the little reminder stickers to place on your calendar), I got separate pieces, from several different opened packages with different lot numbers and expiration dates. Like they just used up odds and ends of packages that were about to expire soon...two from one box, one from another, shoved into a ziplock baggie. I sent it right back, and never again.


I appreciate your comments, Karen.  I am trying to weigh the risks against the benefits, too.  Buddy has been on Frontline Plus but this month, and in this environment, it seems not to be working.  (By the way, it is the first time we've bought it online, so that may have something to do with it!)  I wanted to post a question on DK to see if anyone had ever used Vectra 3D, which is the one the holistic vet is recommending.  But I am not sure exactly where or how to do that--all the flea preventative discussions are at least 2 years old.  I read online of several cases where dogs became hyper or had rashes in response to Vectra, although I am sure I would find similar stories from Frontline, etc.  I've also thought of switching to Advantage or Advantix II.  Any experiences with any of these products from any DK folks would be appreciated!

Buddy had opened some hotspots and was scratching quite a bit when we first arrived in this area, only 30 minutes away from where we used to live.  (I have come to learn that this is a notoriously bad area for fleas and allergies.) So, I think he has an allergy as well as the flea issue.  We've had him groomed, been to the vet 3 times, have used/are using Benadryl, herbs, wiping him down, doing flea preventatives in yard and house, in addition to the top spot treatment.  We've also used a steroid spray for the hotspots but they are mostly healed now and I may try vetericyn if I need it in the future.  I am trying to keep this from turning into flea allergy dermatitis, if possible.

You can do a search for Vectra, or any of those terms, in the forum discussions. I'm sure we've had discussions about it more recently than two years. One of the two "Advan___" preventatives is not recommended, it contains stronger toxins and has produced more side effects, but I'd have to check which one that is. BRB.

Here's one discussion about a dog who did have a reaction to Vectra, from June:

I've tried to post a reply 3 times and it seems not to be working, so if this shows up 3 times, I apologize!

Thanks Karen: this is what I am concerned about with Vectra; I've read other similar reports of reactions in other breeds.  So now I don't know whether to try it, stay with Frontline Plus (but get a new supply) or try Advantage or Advantix II.  I'm aware that whatever I choose will be the choice for a month, and I want to get Buddy as much relief as possible with the fewest risks, of course.  I tend to do so much research that I have trouble making a decision!

You might want to consult a veterinary dermatology specialist, if there's one in your area.

It seems you really have two separate is to get rid of and prevent fleas, but the other to heal the existing skin problems.

Benadryl is the least effective antihistamine for dogs. The specialists recommend Claritin and Zyrtec, and sometimes others like Atarax or Chlor-Trimeton. JD gets the best results with Claritin.

Herbs are basically worthless. Evening primrose oil may help, along with fish oils. Topical cortisone sprays help temporarily.

When bathing use only an oatmeal based shampoo (collidal oatmeal with Praxomine is best, or order Douxo Calming shampoo on-line) and leave the shampoo on for 10 minutes before rinsing. Then, no hot dryers...air dry or cool dryer only. And no products like conditioners, finishing sprays, detanglers etc. Some of that may help.

Taste of the Wild is grain-free.

You can find most of the foods mentioned here in the Food Group on our Recommended Brands List.

Yes Roberta, we did try grain free and for whatever reason it just doesn't agree with our little man. Our new vet thought that he may have issues with the new HK Keen food as it has oatmeal in it but he's doing better than he ever has on that diet.



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