Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Yes, the HOPELESS DOODLE ADDICT TROPHY made its way across the plains, over the Rocky Mountains and slid right into Oregon landing on my porch!! Along with the Trophy and its journal came some awesome gifts from Jennifer, Cloe and Myla. Tara received a frisbee. a stuffie giraffe, a tug rope, one of her favorite balls and LIVER TREATS!!!  They sent me a beautiful personalized mug and magnet with Tara's pictures on them and a taste of Wisconsin! Yes, Wisconsin tastes like chocolate!!!! LOL! Even our honorary DoodleCat, Amber received some catnips toys from Spunky( Jennifer's kitty)!!! The furkids thought that SantaDoodle had arrived early!!



Tara and I thought we would take Trophy on a little tour of Medford and show it some of the ways our lives have been changed for the BETTER since we joined DoodleKisses!


First stop was Tara's EX-GROOMER'S shop!! Thanks to the DK Doodle Grooming Group I no longer have to worry about having a RatDoodle or a PoodleDoodle now that I am learning to Home Groom Tara!!!


Our next stop with Trophy was Tara's EX-TRAINER'S SHOP!! This is where Tara was labeled a BITER and became a puppy class drop out!!!! I decided to home school her and thanks to the DK

Training-Experiences, Challenges and Mindsets Group, I received the rewards and corrections I needed to train Tara into an awesome little obedient girl!! (Please note the perfect sit stay she is holding in the photo!! Proud Doodle mommy!! :)


Next up was the LOCAL DOG PARK (Sherri, I promise I won't mentioned dog parks again for at least another week! LOL!). Our fellow DK'ers taught us that there are GOOD dog parks and BAD dog parks.  Unfortunately our local park received a thumbs down rating! Thanks Dk'ers for helping me keep TaraBear safe!!


Of course we had to take Trophy to Tara's favorite pet store, PET COUNTRY where, thanks to all the fantastic advice and information we have received from the DK FOOD GROUP we can shop with confidence knowing that Tara is receiving the best foods and treats and safe toys! Just say "NO" to China!!!



So we finally headed for home...but wait...we are almost home when I realize that the little trophy is not in its little cubby hole in the car!! WTD???? OMG!! I LEFT the HDA Trophy behind at the store!!!! I nearly ran off the road as I had visions of Adina hitting the" EJECT RICKI AND TARA FROM DK FOREVER BUTTON"  for losing the HDA trophy!!!  I raced home and called the store...and YES the clerk had the Trophy and YES she was having a great time using it to fool her fellow employees into thinking that she had received the "Employee of the Month" award!  WHEW!!!! I hadn't realized that I had stopped breathing about 10 minutes earlier!!  Soon we had the HDA Trophy back in the hands of  this HOPELESS DOODLE ADDICT and all was well...:)



A BIG THANK YOU to each and every one of YOU for making DOODLEKISSES such a wonderful place to visit and so ADDICTIVE!!!   I mean on what other web site can you find everything from dog poop to limericks?? LOL!! I AM HOPELESSLY addicted to DOODLES and DOODLEKISSES!!!


Now, I wonder who the HOPELESS DOODLE ADDICT TROPHY will be visiting next....?????


For more information about Hopeless Doodle Addicts and the Trophy click here!!!






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Ricki, You do make me laugh :) I know once my DD and SIL experienced that Fair, they are happy to remain in Oregon and now my DH can't wait to visit...LOL!!
Oh, Oh!! This sounds like trouble!! Let me know when you are coming and I'll ask my naked friends try to make sure there are no fairs during that time!!  Oregon is rather addictive. Ask Lisa about it...:)
WOOHOO!! Congratulations to you and T-Bear!!  Loved all your pics!! Bandy loved them too!!  I am sure I am about to be your ex-DK friend since I am never on anymore!! LOL!!
Thanks Suzann!! No you're NOT going to be EX"D!! You guys are family!!  We do miss you though! :(
Thanks Ricki!!  We are getting settled and have internet so you will be seeing more of us!!
HEY, Miss SUZ!  We'll have NO talk of that here!  LOL... But I do know how you feel.... my existence on DK has been brief since school started...

It made it!!!! AWESOME story and even better pictures! Tara is such a good girl. I think she was gloating a bit hugh??

I love that it went all around town and oh my gosh I can't believe you almost lost it! I have a big confession here goes...when I packed it up I used a smaller box. I had it all taped up and I looked around to make sure I put the journal in there and there sits the trophy on my desk! OOPSIE!!! So then I had to hit the attic to find a box that worked for the addict!! We altered it a bit and fit the trophy back in!!!

Did you tell the clerk that she was supposed to kiss and lick the trophy and NOT wipe it off??? LOL! She sounds just as fun as you do!!  Did Tara kiss it????


You had an awesome idea and I was wondering what you were doing that was taking so long to post!! Glad you liked it all

and Tara and kitty enjoyed as well. This was such a fun experience!! Congrats to you!!!! I love Tara, she's so sweet!!

Thanks so much Jennifer!! Tara has been lovin' on her new stuffie the last couple of days. Loving holes right into it!!! I love your "forgetting to pack the trophy" story!! LOL!!! I'm just thinkin' you wanted to keep it for a while longer! Must have looked pretty good on your mantel!!!  It's nice to know I am in good company!!!  You guys really helped to make the trophy experience a lot of fun for us!! Thanks again for all the goodies and for your patience!!  Hugs to Cloe and Myla!!


Oh, and no I didn't allow the clerk to kiss the trophy although she really wanted to! I could tell she wasn't a doodle-her hair was just too straight!! LOL!  Tara DID kiss it sweet!!

Awesome pictorial Ricki!  Wait a minute, which one is really Tara?? Just kidding!  Congrats on this prestigious honour!
Thanks BG!  We like to keep switching places to keep you guys guessing!!
Wow..this is some serious Congratulations!!



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