Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey everybody,


I have a doggie health related question.  Our 1.75 year old spayed female F1 labradoodle has been peeing while in a deep sleep leaving behind a puddle where she lays.  She doesn't even know that she has gone until well after she gets up and then notices that her bottom is all wet.  This has happened about 3 times now within a 4 month time frame and it seems to be when she is super exhausted.  She doesn't seem to have any other sypmtoms.  Is this just like when a child wets the bed at night?  Part of it could be our fault...after she plays we do not demand her to "go potty" like we used to before she was house trained. so then she just goes inside and flops down.  I have read a few different things.  Could be a UTI or urinary stones?  I have also seen some comments (not really from any reputable source) that too much protein in her diet could be the cause.  We currently do have her on a high protein diet (by accident) and are working to switch her to a new dog food that is not such.  I have also seen that it could be hormonal and due to her being spayed (she was spayed at 6 months) in which case she would have to be on meds for the rest of her life :(    If anybody has had this issue with their dog and/or has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated!  If it happens one more time, I am taking her to the vet.




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 That time (15 years ago!) were given iImmediately hormones, and  monitored for drug response. Let's hope the best that it is not the same thing your dog's case. Keep us updated!
Hope she gets better, but I would call your vet and ask
Update on Zoey's hubby and I took it upon us to be SURE that Zoey went potty before going inside....and that worked for a month or so...but then last night, Zoey once again peed while napping.  So, we had a vet visit today...NO thinks it might be related to hormones (which I am assuming since we had her spayed at 5-6 months).  He said it was actually pretty common.  So, Zoey will now be taking (hopefully temporarily) Prion 50 (aka Phenylpropanolamine, PPA) which is suppose to strengthen her urinary sphincter.  One problem I have with this is that this supplement is associated with increase in chance of stroke.  However, many of the dogs prescribed this are older dogs with urinary incontinence....I am wondering/hoping that since Zoey is not even two, that this will not be an issue.  Also, the vet made it sound like after a few months of treatment, the problem resolves.  The only other option I was finding by searching online was Diesthylstilbestrol (DES) which is a synthetic estrogen--which can have it's own side effects and problems.  Any body else have a dog on PPA or DES?  Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!   

DES is no longer used in humans because of the horrendous health issues it produced in the offspring of the women who took it. However, it is apparently still being used to treat incontinence in female dogs with fairly good effects and it appears to be safe at the low doses used for canines:

It's also used in conjunction with phenylpropanolamine; the two drugs together supposedly have a synergistic effect:



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