Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Last evening I took Monty for our usual stroll behind the house down through the forest.
Later on while watching TV while Monty was laying on the couch beside me, I noticed a teeny tiny black speck on his white fur. I was hoping it wasn't a deer tick, but oh yes it was. Ok, no big deal I've seen them from time to time on Monty, he is on Frontline Plus. A bit later, another one. Awhile later....2 more! Well now I'm creeped out.
We took Monty to the bathroom with the brightest lights available and started looking him over real close. I couldn't believe I found 2 more. As I understand if the ticks bite Monty they will die? They were not at his skin level but crawling around in his fur. We they trying to get away? Had they bit him yet?
The truth is, I'm not so worried about Monty as I am wondering if they were jumping ship and DH and I were to be the next victim! They are so tiny, no bigger than a pinhead. We did walk through the forest, but nearly our entire yard is forest! I love when we see deer out back, but maybe not so much anymore. :(
Deer ticks are still horrible at our house. I found more than 20 on Monty after we spent the day doing yard work. We went the to vet and I discussed my concerns. She did not recommend the Advantix, still feels that the Frontline Plus is the better choice. Frontline has come out with a new heavy duty med...can't remember the name. I almost bought it, then thought if its heavy duty, more nasty stuff I really dont' wish to put on Monty. Its not like I'm finding them attached, only 2 so far, and they fell off dead. I did ask about a spray, thinking maybe I should spray his fur and they would be less inclined to run around on him? Frontline does have a spray... and it only cost $38.! It is supposed to be put on the dog once per month....hmmm, sounds like the topical treatment. I thought I would spray him and use Frontline Plus topical. Nah, again it sounds like a overkill. I'm now wondering can we spray our dogs with a bug spray like we use on ourselves?
I hate cold weather, but at this point bring it on!
Oh- I hate deer ticks & the fear they bring.
If I recall from when I researched Deer Ticks when Trixie had one...They need to be stuck in you for 12 hrs...or it could have been 24 (sorry) To be able to transmit a disease.
Also supposedly more Deer Mice carry the ticks then Actual Deer.
Hope you dont find any on you or dh..or any more on Monty
Ticks, esp deer ticks or blacklegged ticks can and do carry some bad diseases for us, most notably Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever which both can be fatal if not treated. If the ticks you are finding are that small, they are likely nymph or larva and are the ones that cause the most infections. The most important thing is that if you find the tick attached to the dog, or yourself is to NOT try to just pull it out with your fingers. If you squeeze it's abdomen you will force the ticks saliva into the dog or person and that is where the disease comes in. You need to get at the head where it is attached to the skin, some people use tweezers, some people use fishing line looped around the head, or you can buy a tick removal tool which works great, but you need to get the head out.
They really like the warm spots like behind the ears, or in the armpits where there is usually less hair and a nice warm spot to be. If you have a lot of ticks around it is definitely worthwhile checking your dogs when they come in. A good combing is also a great way to get out ticks you haven't seen yet before they get attached.
They are yucky, but what they can bring in is even yuckier so please keep checking...
I love your size comparisons! They were the larva size. (actually smaller) If he didn't have white hair, we would never had been able to see them. I've had my share of dog ticks and have had them stuck to me before, but these little buggers, geez how will I ever find them on my own head of hair?
We will certainly be more watchful. sigh
Me too! I got bit about four weeks ago. I kinda freaked out and scraped it off. It is still not healed! I'm betting that the head stayed buried. gag.
Sharon I had the same thing happen! I got bit in September and it still isn't normal looking! I don't even like looking at it!!! UGH!!
I have a nifty free app from the American Lyme Disease Foundation for my Iphone. It has a tick map, pictures to help identify the tick, and a video to show how to properly remove a tick.
I live in northern Virginia and the vet started my puppy on Frontline Plus because of its lower toxicity, but if I find any ticks on her imbedded or otherwise, the vet will switch her to Advantix asap.
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