Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OK, I know some of you will say I'm crazy, but seeing as I have plenty of time to read things concerning puppies (mine arriving in  June),  I was just reading what character my puppy will likely have.  He or she will be an Aries.  "A furry warrior dog"  as they put it.  Ready to pick a fight with any dog for any reason, will chase cars, and destroy your house if it suits him or her.  I'm having second thoughts.  Now logically I know all dogs born in the same litter can't possibly all be little hellions.  Do any of you have dogs born March 19-April 20?  And how are their characters?  I know I being foolish about this, but I did read about our last dog  (Libra) and they described him perfectly. Any thoughts??

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I have Peri, who was born April 9th and she may be what you'd call a "hellion"!  LOL.  But really, these doodles can be quite the handful as puppies - I think regardless of their astrological sign!  It takes a lot of patience, love and training to get through the puppy years.  That being said, some are easier than others.  But you will get  agood idea from this website that puppies are just puppies!  And a little nutty!  I encourage you to join the Puppy Madness group on here... :)


Congrats on your future doodle!!!

 Here is a link to a previous discussion, have a read and see what you think. Of course it is very general and most traits can apply to most dogs at one time or other. Puppies are just a handful period.

Thanks Donna, and yes all the traits can apply to all puppies at one time or another.  But it's funny how the sign can predict so many character traits.  


None born in those dates. For fun, would you place the link to these astrology discriptions/characteristics here. Might be fun to compare and contrast our dogs with the link. I have a Sagitarious and a Scorpio

I thought this site was the most


Good grief.   Auto correct and cell phones got me above.
Ha, we just thought you couldn't spell. :>)
Okay, read the link you provided and Peri is VERY much like the description. Except she is more loving and follows me everywhere - she is the "macho" dog and wants attention to her every need, but she is also my little snuggler and glue gun.  Her siblings are excellent - i have kept in touch with a few of their parents and I don't think anyone regrets getting a pup from her litter - I would not make a decision based on the sign.  But again, beware, because some of these descriptions describe MANY of our doodles when they were puppies :)

Ned and Clancy are both Pices.

Clancy: Gentle, cuddly. Likes lazing and doing nothing.  Dislikes nothing.

Is gentle, patient, lovable in nature. generous and friendly, constant-tail wagging when called. popular, easygoing, affectionate. Drifts along, and accepts his world and patiently waits rather than taking initiative. Receptive to new things. intensely loyal.


Ned: Sulky. Likes being left alone.   Dislikes being told off for being naughty or too strong discipline and not having a comfy place to sleep, loud noises. 

Is gentle, patient, and lovable, good-natured and friendly, quick understanding; versatile. Receptive to new things.

Has itchy skin.

Ned is more of a Leo than anything else (do ya' think that is because I am a Leo??? hmmmmm)

Warmhearted, faithful, loving, independent and courageous
on the naughty side...
Dominating, strong willed and overbearing
having children around
being the king of the yard
being treated meanly
being dominated and
being ignored
The Leo dog likes to be dominating and spontaneous and because of these traits they basically just want to be the ‘King” of their surroundings and human followers.

Riley was born April 17 and he is now 7 months old.  Very loving and well behaved although he does get really excited when visitors come and does a bit of counter surfing if he gets he chance.  We leave him home alone and he doesn't destroy anything while we are gone.  He is very smart and does what I tell him.  He is quite goofy at times and he continually makes us laugh.  This evening he took all his toys and lifted the rug and hid them underneath!!  I think he is a normal puppy who needs continual training and lots of love.  I'm glad I didn't read all that astrology stuff before I got him though I did read practically everything else LOL
So far, the replies are encouraging.  But I think y'all can understand after reading the description of an Aries type puppy my apprehension.  I find they seem to weigh in with more negativity with this sign.  I can't believe that.  All puppies are full of energy, even my laid back Barnaby the first years we had him.

Chloe is March 23rd=HELLION!! She is almost 5 and is just STARTING to settle down.A puppy is a puppy behavior wise.

Personality can be anything. Good luck!!



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