Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have two doodles and when it comes to cuddling, they couldn't be any different. Sophie Bear is not a cuddler. She bounds up on the couch or the bed at night at her own discretion, and curls up at the end by my feet. She only tolerates my attempts to cuddle her, and usually squirms away after only a few seconds. If she could speak she would roll her eyes and say "mommmm, you're smothering me!"


Winston on the other hand, doesn't go on the couch and he will wait for permission to come up on the bed, looking at me with his adorable pooh-bear face. When I say ok, he jumps up and curls up right against me, head on the pillow and let me wrap my arms around him while we fall asleep together. He eventually gets hot and goes down to his own bed but we always get in a good snuggle and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Does anyone else out there cuddle with their doodles? What is your doodles favourite way to cuddle?

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Cute picture of Butz!!

Guinness is on the bed all night, starts at the foot of the bed usually touching me or resting his head on my feet.  But he always either sneaks up or just walks up and drops his whole weight on me sometime in the middle of the night.  Then he rests his head on my shoulder and lets out a long contented sigh.  Molly sleeps in her own bed but every morning when we start to stir hops in bed for a snuggle.  If Guinness is laying next to me and she wants to she just lays down right on top of him until he gets annoyed and moves to the bottom.  But during the day Molly snuggles the most.  I love doggie snuggles!

Awwww...I just love how All of our Doodles love us and show it  in their own special way!

Sasha is such a lover...

She is always by me...and if I get up to even get a glass of iced tea...Sasha has to get up too...and walk there with me!

Sweet and funny girl!  I think she might think she will miss something!  Lol...

 It's quite a site to see all 80lbs of her climb up into my lap!

Sasha thinks she'  a  lap-dog...and I can barely move... since I am only 105lbs myself!    Lol...


Sasha is Such a cuddler...and had to be touching...touching...touching...At All Times!

She loves to sit on DH's lap and put her head on his shoulder. 

 He  wraps his arms around her...and just holds her like a Big Baby! 

 I don't know who loves it more...Sasha...DH or Me?  (smile)


Some of our favorite "quiet evenings at home" now that our children have moved away (so sad)... are spent together...just the three of us...DH...Me and our girl Sasha!

We sit in our Big Comfy chair for two...and Sasha sits across our feet...or with her head on our laps...or the three of us all sit on the floor together and cuddle and give massages! 

 We just love it!  Ahhhhhh...Pure Bliss!


Sasha still loves to sleep in her she isn't in our bed  (more intimate time for us..wink...wink)  .but she is with us up to the very moment we all go to sleep.

 In the morning....we have our morning wake up song! 

 Yes Jane...I sing a wake up song to Sasha too! 

 She doesn't seem to mind that I sing off-key! 

 She just loves that I greet her with a smile...and I love to see her smiling Doodle face and that lovely wagging tail!

Well...I think you can see...I am just Madly and Hopelessly In Love With My Girl...


love it!!!

You are definitely in love with your doodle!!!

Cubbie will cuddle with me on the couch.  He will stand there next to the couch and wait for me to pick him up and lay down right next to me.  He will sleep with my husband in bed when I am out of town, but will NEVER sleep in bed with me (I have no idea why).  On the weekends they will lay in bed with us after their first potty break and Cubbie usually likes to lay on top of your pillow or in a ball behind your knees. 

Ollie will climb on top of you when you are sitting on the couch and try to lick you, but doesn't really lay with you on the couch or the bed.  He will, however, wedge himself into the recliner along with my husband.  Crazy dogs!

TaraBear is more like Sophie Bear! She likes to be close but not THAT close!!  She like to lay on my feet or maybe touching me a LITTLE bit. But she doesn't like to be pulled in and wrapped up! Which, of course, is exactly what I want to do to her!! She will tolerate it for a short period of time and then she says "I'm outta here Mom!!"

Fudge will let you move her into any position and allows you to kiss and cuddle her as much as you want, when she is in our bed. When she is moving about, she will come and sit by you, just out of reach usually, and likes you to hold her paw. I pick her up once in awhile and snuggle her mid-air. She often waits patiently for Vern to finish snuggling, but when I call her forward, she just lights up. She will not fight Vern, though, for attention.


Vern just moves his big ol' body right into your space for hugs and kisses. Sometimes, it almost seems like he is hugging you and he will put both paws around my daughter, who he adores. He likes to sit with you on the couch, but in bed, he usually lays by our feet until he is ready to get up and then he moves up closer and usually whacks you with his gigantic paw. Look out for that paw :)

Sometimes, they cuddle each other too.

spooning doodles!

awe sweet! W and S have spooned before. i'll see ifi can find the photo later

This is funny because Parker is definitely a cuddler and usually I "spoon" with him on the bed! lol but this morning when I was sleeping, he squeeze himself in between myself and and DF (dear fiance) and spooned me! He had his arm draped over my back like he was cuddling me for a change! haha I am sure he was just trying to push me over to get more space but it was cute anyway~

Parker likes the bed or the couch! Usually he cuddles with mommy but daddy is proud when he gets a cuddle on the couch during sports tv time!



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