Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I think Rosey might Finally be feeling better. We walked for about 30 mins this morning but no poop. So I took them with me when I got my haircut and afterwards we went to the park because I really wanted to get her to poop. She was very playful, and was up for some soccer and frisbee. She did poop 3x's and it looked okay... One of the poops though came out orangish and then there was a piece that was really pale yellowish white...sorry to be so gross but I found the color strange. I am not sure what causes multi-color poop. It was still a bit slimy but improved overall. She was really hungry when we got home so I gave her some more potatoes and ground beef and then a tiny bit of Orijen and she gobbled it all right up. Tonight chicken and sweet potatoes.
Hopefully we are through with the worst!! Thanks again everyone for care and concern!!!
xoxo SRB
Rosey's stomach last night started making all these crazy gurgly noises last night and she refused to eat all day yesterday. I could tell she was not feeling well as she was pacing and panting. In order to get her to settle down I gave her a Tramadol which did knock her out for the night. Her stomach was quiet this morning and she woke up looking for food. So I cooked up some ground chicken for her and Bandit and they ate that right up. They don't like the rice so we skipped that.
As for the Orijen I don't know what to think. I hate to get rid of all of my supply as it's almost a full bag and as we all know that is $80 worth of dog food. The one thing that I notice in my Orijen is that some kibbles are lighter and some kibbles are darker. Does anyone else notice that? I am going to get some more ground chicken today and just feed them that over the weekend. Is there any other starch besides rice I could try?
Bandit seems to be all better. I think he got diarrhea from the ground beef and rice I fed him. He was never as sick as Rosey either. His poop was nice and firm this morning.
Rosey slept all thru the night!!! Hooray!!! It was her little brother Bandit that got me up at 4am to potty..ugh. Oh well still much better than the previous 2 nights. The vet called and all her blood work came back looking good so we are still dealing with gastroenteritis of an unknown origin. She did eat a little more this morning they both have a very good skill of picking out beef from beef and rice and spreading rice all over the floor. So we will be doing some morning cleaning today and they both are going to get a bath. My parents are coming over to watch them while I go to my job interview that I had to reschedule from yesterday.
Thanks again everyone for helping us get through this!!!
Okay things are looking up, at 9 pm I got the ground beef and rice out and started to coax her to eat. I then forced 2 pieces of beef down her throat and in the midst of this Bandit of course wanted his fair share. There were some scraps on the floor and Rosey started eating them off the floor. So I sat on the floor and we had a rice and ground beef party and whilst Rosey would only eat the ground beef Bandit didn't mind eating up the rice bits...
SOOOO happy she finally got real food in her tummy, she had not eaten since Saturday evening. Tomorrow more ground beef!!!
Thanks too all:) <3<3<3
Rosey is home!! She had the full work up done, she does not have an obstruction but does have very inflamed intestines. She is on antibodies and probiotic paste . I won't have her bloodwork results until tomorrow. I made her some ground beef but she still has no interest in eating, hopefully that will change this evening. She is drinking water and has been pumped full of fluids.
Thanks everyone for all the well wishes and concern!
UPDATE 1: Rosey had a rough night getting up to go out and try and poop every 2 hours and then even more frequently this morning. She still would not eat anything, not even a goldfish cracker:( I talked to the vet and he wanted her brought in for bloodwork, x-rays and an IV drip. So she is there now and will be there most of the day. Poor baby Rosey:(
So I spent the Thanksgiving holiday at my parents for almost a week and she and Bandit just LOVE it there.. Yesterday morning started like every other with soccerball fetching with Rosey by a good game of chase and zoomies and then we went to run errands. On our last stop my mom ran into the grocery store and Rosey started heaving and threw up 4 times in the parking lot all bile.... So I got some pepcid, Pepto and gave her 1 pepcid and 2 hours later a 1 tsp of pepto but the heaves and puddles of bile just kept coming.
Sooo I got the number for a ER vet in the little town of Kerrville and he was a total newbie and was everything from Pancreatis to Cancer to bloat.. I asked that he just give her the anti nausea shot and meds and let me take her home which he did. Then Rosey was up all night pacing and wanting to go outside.
So today she finally slept for a few hours this morning and I drove them back to Austin and took her to her vet because she has not had any food since Saturday night and finally drank some water this evening. They pumped some fluids in her, gave her some probiotics and an antibiotic. She is completely lethargic, only gets up to go out and squirt a little runny poop out..I don't know how to get something in her stomach and furthermore I have NO clue as to what caused this...
Thank you very much for posting this. I thought in my own mind that commenting on the date of the post would be enough to have people "take it with a grain of salt". I guess because I've never personally had to deal with people taking old information as new and how it affects me, I didn't take it seriously enough.
I completely agree with you 100% that the date of posts is EXTREMELY important (as well as the validity of their source). I will be much more careful to describe my own posts properly so they are taken in the way they are intended.
I have posted a comment as a direct reply to that post which will hopefully prevent anyone in the future from becoming misled. Hope this helps.
Thanks for all your information and help here!! I can only imagine how stressful this is for you to deal with.
Thanks, Melanie!
Understood, by me at least, that we are exploring possibilities not finger pointing.
Suze, just noticed update #5.
Orijen is baked, and the pieces are not uniform in shape, size or color. It's one of the things I've always liked about it. It's kind of like somebody made teeny tiny Barbie-doll cookies, rolled out the dough and cut each one out by hand, lol.
You can use cooked potatoes in place of rice.
russet, reds, yukons? skins on or off??
Barbie doll cookies ROFL!!
The skin on white potatoes can be toxic to dogs, so all skin off. Otherwise it doesn't matter.
Or you can use sweet potatoes, too, which will be good for any poop issues.
could I buy a box of instant mashed and mix with some broth? Maybe I will try the sweets too as they might have more flavor.
Don't use the instant unless you can find one that contains nothing but dehydrated potatoes. There's usually a whole bunch of other junk in those.
okay, I will boil little pieces in some broth to give them flavor and try that.
And make sure the broth is low sodium fat-free and doesn't have anything weird in it. My DD bought a box of broth that contained concentrated celery and onion juices !!!! Thank God I noticed that!
Oh, and use less of the cooked potatoes in your mixture than you use of rice, they are much heavier by volume and more calorie dense.
Good call on the Tramadol Suzann. If Rosey was in a state of stress and just needed a little something to get her relaxed and back on the eating track again this would help. Fingers crossed that the weekend goes well. What about a little cooked sweet potato for starch?
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