Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jackdoodle's biopsy report came back yesterday; we now have a name for what this is, but no clear answer as to what caused it or what to do about it. His treatment plan is going to involve a collaboration between his internist, his allergist, and his regular vet, and apparently we may be getting the UC-Davis veterinary nutrition department involved, too. This being the weekend before Christmas, things are still on hold until his regular vet and I can talk to his allergist. The internist left town for the holidays yesterday. I would not have posted an update yet, but so many of you have asked about him, I wanted to up-date you.

JD has severe Inflammatory Bowel Disease, specifically the following conditions:

1. Lymphoplasmacytic Enteritis

2. Eosinophilic Enteritis

3. Chronic Hypertrophic Pyloric Gastropathy

How these conditions relate to each other, how he developed them and why, we don't know yet. There can be many causes, and sometimes there's no way of knowing which it is. There does appear to be an immune-mediated/allergic component.

Treatment will involve dietary changes and medications including some kind of immunosuppressant.


Some of the drugs being discussed are very heavy-duty drugs, with some very serious side-effects, and will probably cancel out his current immunotherapy treatment for his Atopic Dermatitis. Have to talk to his allergist to find out. And you can be sure I am going to do an awful lot of research before taking that route.

He also has developed a B12 deficiency, probably because of all the inflammatory/digestive issues, and will require B12 shots every week for a few months. That's the easiest and clearest part.

I am still a little bit shell-shocked and trying to sort all of this out and wrap my brain around the fact that my poor guy has to deal with yet another chronic illness, more meds, more lifestyle restrictions, etc. But so many of you have asked about him, I wanted to let you know what's going on.

And thank you all again for your caring and concern. He may be sick, but beyond a doubt, he has a lot of wonderful people who love him and and are rooting for him, and that has to count in his favor.

Hugs to you all.

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Big ((((HUGS))))) to you and Jack.    You must be wondering "WHY" at this point.....poor kid....I'm sorry that you are going through this Karen.   Think about you and Jack every day.....thanks for keeping us up to date.    We'll continue sending positive thoughts and prayers  your way.

Thanks, Carol.

PS: If anyone would like to read an excellent, very thorough article about the canine digestive system and some of these conditions, here's a link:

And I would also like to say that while I am not normally a violent person, if I could get my hands on whatever piece of human excrement bred JD's parents, I would be on trial for murder.

I'm glad you have some answers now  - a step in the right direction.    Is he acting like his 'normal' self now?    Poor guy - hope he feels better soon. 


Thanks, Julie.

JD is the bravest, most stoic dog on the face of the planet. He's acting as normal as he can under the circumstances.

But then Karen you would not have JD. True he's ill but he is very special.

Thanks, F, for everything.

Karen, I am so glad you got some answers and know that Jack is in great hands:) You are a great Doodle mom and Jack is lucky to have you. I hope he feels better soon. Hugs from all of us!!

Thanks, Laurie.

That sounds like a lot of information to take in and I really don't know what to think but just to say you are in my thoughts.  One thing is for sure Jack couldn't have a better person to love and take care of him than you and he is indeed loved by a lot of people, me for one.  Sending you both all my love and good wishes for an easy to manage resolution to these horrible issues, Nicky (and a very muddy Riley)

Thanks, Nicky.

Oh JD I am sending you all my love! I am so so so so so sorry you are dealing with this. You deserve so much better. I will put all my support behind your mom to help her find out how to make you all better!

Karen, seriously, if there is any way I can help, with research or what not then don't hesitate to let me know. So sorry you are dealing with this still but so relieved you at least have the beginnings of some answers.

Thanks for the update!



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