Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Retired Chicago Police Officer forced to give up service dog because of breed bias

Please consider signing this petition regarding a Chicago Police officer that was forced to relocate his service dog.  The dog a pit bull mix is outlawed in this small Iowa town that he is moved to-this is such an example of breed bias versus how a dog is trained, the dog is a therapy dog for gosh sakes.  Here is a link to the petition

Here is a full news story on this travesty.

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The man doesn't walk he is in a wheelchair. Also he worked with a University of IL therapist for two years with the dog. I am sorry some of you are not supportive of this man. However instead of casting aspersions on him and his family I think it would be better to educate about service dogs in general (thanks Karen). 

I actually know a good deal about service dogs and the amount of work that goes into fully training a service dog.  I'm not casting aspersions.   Based on my experience training dogs,  I'm asking educated questions about certain things that don't seem to ad up.

BTW... re the chair/standing question, the post quoting the Aminal Farm Foundation said, "Snickers has been individually trained to assist James with tasks which mitigate his disability, including walking, balance, and retrieving items around the house." 

The federal law should pre-empt the Iowa law and the dog should be allowed.

A lot of people forget "Pete" the pit bull from the "Our Gang" series.  He certainly seemed to be a gentle dog, too. 

When Cesar Millan did his cross Canada tour earlier this year, he had to leave Junior behind in another province before he hit Ontario due to our Pit ban.  Blame to deed, not the breed.

And if there was ever a dog who could be counted upon not to pose a threat to anyone, it would be Junior. Well, at least they aren't showing any favoritisim with their stupid ban.



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