Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Starting a new discussion to make it clear that the mouse is no longer the prime suspect in Winston's saga. He's at the ER where he's been since early this afternoon, being observed for what I can only believe is some sort of neurological issue.
His 'fits' start with with him suddenly bolting upright, a bit of drool falls out of his mouth, and then he starts wailing and flailing around, jumps on something (couch, bed, etc) pees and poops, and then sits there shaking and crying. Then suddenly, it clears up and it's as if it never happened. For the one he had first thing this morning we were heading out the door for a walk and it started. He ran down the hall, down the stairs and outside to the car, and begged me to let him in the car where I guess he feels safe (that's when I took off to my friends place, thinking if it was a mouse it wouldn't happen there, but sure enough, it did, and so off the the ER we went). I am just so thankful it didn't happen while I was driving!
I think I will go pick him up in the morning and bring him to my vet's office which opens at 7am. They are not looking after him very well there, nobody knows what's going on, nobody is sharing information with each other. They didn't know about his food trial even though I told them when I admitted him and again over the phone. They didn't know he needed his thyroid medicine. Nobody in the back knew I was in the visitor room waiting to see Winston. I had to go knock on doors. When I finally saw him he was still covered in his pee and poop and nobody had cleaned him or treated him yet. No blood tests were taken.
They told me the reason they haven't cleaned him yet is because he was nervous around them. That is impossible because there isn't a living, breathing, thing on earth that Winston doesn't adore. They didn't understand the seriousness at all. They just chalked it up to a nervous dog and a nervous owner. I explained, again, that he is not a nervous dog, and has never shown fear before, ever. Nothing startles him, bothers him or upsets him in any way, ever. I think they finally got it but how frustrating??? So in total I waited three hours, and maybe got about 20 minutes with him before he had another episode and they took him back to give him some valium. I waited for the vet to come talk to me and finally had to go knocking on doors again and it seemed nobody knew I was still there. Meanwhile the whole time I was sitting in that room, it turned out Winston was right on the other side of the wall. All someone had to do was bring him through the door. They promised a real live vet would call with a full update first thing in the morning.
Unfortunately the saddest news is that they have no idea what it is, and said they have never seen anything like this before. I asked them what the point was of me leaving him there if nobody was going to tend to him or treat him in any way. They reassured me they were watching him closely and that it was the only way for them to get a sense of what is wrong.
I'm thinking I will get him out of there in the morning and for now, at least he's spending the night with a doctor, so if something bad happens then he will be looked after. But if the issue is fear and fear only I sure wish I could be there with him. I hate the thought of him having these episodes with nobody there to comfort him. :(
I'm sure there's a gazillion spelling errors here, sorry but I'm so tired...
I agree. And the diagnosis sounds reasonable to me.
Thanks for the update. I hope she can get some answers there. It's good that he hasn't had another episode.
I like hearing that the neurologist is taking it seriously.
Good to know that Sherri and Winston are with an expert who is doing all the testing which will hopefully lead to the answers and then to management of whatever it is that has caused these awful 'episodes'. I am waiting updates and positive news.
Thanks for the update Karen! Hopefully she will get some answers soon!
Thanks for passing this on Karen! I'm so glad to be home, the weather was crappy and so was the traffick. I left at 9am this morning and only got back now. When I got home the technician called and said the xrays are all normal. Still no word on the lymph node test, but she said they felt swollen, but not super hard like they would be when there is cancer. She was guessing they were swollen due to his allergies but is checking to be sure.
His blood pressure is high, she checked twice to be sure, and wants to check again next week. She finds it odd that such a laid back dog would have high blood pressure.
She never once doubted the fact that this wasn't anxiety which I was so grateful for. She thinks its a seizure, but it is not the typical seizure if it was epilepsy. An epileptic seizure would see the dog fall on the floor and shake around, whereas Winston dashes around the room in circles and he is concious and completely aware of where he is (given that he runs to my bed and dives right in). But all the other signs, like the drool, the losing control of bowels and bladder, the shaking, yelping, the lack of focus or responsiveness, dilated pupils, are all signs of seizure. She said that not all dogs with seizure disorders have the normal siezures, so this could be his special seizure style lol. He is a unique dog afterall :) She said it's possible that he is hullicinating and seeing things. I really wish he could tell me what he's seeing.
She ran through all the different tests and treatment options and I asked what she would do if it were her dog. She said since this is his first bout of episodes she would wait because some of the drugs for seizures have big side effects and are expensive. Some people will go without the drugs if the seizures are mild and infrequent. It's a personal choice and complex balancing act. I'd rather not put him on the drugs until I know if this is going to be a recurring nightmare for him, otherwise the drugs could cause us more problems and we'll have no way of knowing if it's even working.
She suggested the MRI. She said she would certainly be considering it if it were her dog, just to know for sure that there is no swelling, or lesions or cysts or anything like that on his brain. I'm just worried because they have to knock him out for it. But I guess that will help with the scratch test too.
I'm just so happy he seems happy again and back to normal. :)
Thank you everyone for your concern, excellent advice and pawsitive thoughts and support. I really don't know how I would have gotten through all of this otherwise. I heart DoodleKisses!
This diagnosis sounds very likely to me since there are overlaps in terms of symptoms between partial seizures and panic symptoms. Also, I like that this neurologist is willing to give things some time before deciding to medicate. I hope she told you not to let Winston drive : )
Thanks. This one is good too:
These describe the symptoms exactly. I forgot to mention that she had said she has another dog under her care, also from ottawa, who started having these exact same episodes a year ago. Since being medicated he only has had one episode. His blood work and MRI were all normal.
Sherri, Thank you for the update. It sounds like Winston is being well cared for and I am glad he is back to being happy :) We will continue to keep all fingers and paws crossed here for all of you!
Thank you Laurie!
Thanks for the update Sherri! It sounds like you have a vet with a good and well balanced approach to diagnosing and treatment and willing to listen to YOU! We are stilling praying that the episodes do not return and you can put all of this behind you!
I'm so glad you have found a good specialist, I know that in itself is such a relief. Hoping for the best possible test results and an easy teatment plan.
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