Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I went in to get Brinkley's interceptor and comfortis 2 months ago.  The front desk woman said, "the vet tech wanted to know if there was any reason you weren't on Trifexis.  It's the combo of the two pills all in one pill.  It's basically the same thing but cheaper since it's only one pill."


I agreed to get it without even thinking.  Honestly, I didn't even know it was a new drug. I thought they just hadn't told me about it.  The first dose was given to Brinkley without one problem. He went on as normal.  Well, last week, I gave it to him for the second month.  Within a few hours he was lethargic and sick to his tummy. He wasn't interested in eating and he was even gagging up water at times.

Then the next day, he stated to act like he was drunk.  We had a dog in the past that had seizures and these looked like mini seizures.


I did a quick google search only to find that other dogs had the same reaction.  After a few days of givig the pill he bounced back, and not a problem but I am NEVER giving this pill to him again.  It was scary and terrible.


I felt so sorry for him. He didn't want to play or eat. He just wanted to sleep.  Terrible.  This has tought me to do my research.  I'm a little angry at the way it was presented to me... as if it was odd that I wasn't giving him Trifexis.  I will always seach before agreeign to change meds.



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I use it for Harley and have had no problems

We all know are pets best, so it is always better to be safe than sorry.

I'm glad that you were watching Brinkley and saw the symptons. I hope there will be no more problems for him. He is a gorgeous baby!

Thanks so much!

Add me to the list of those who won't use Trifexis.  After Ozzie's first and second doses, he was more lethargic than usual but seemed to be OK after 48 hours.  After the 3rd dose, he became very lethargic.  36-48 hours later he was afraid of everything.  Wouldn't go outside, wouldn't leave me for one inch.  So frightened.  A real mood change.  He seemed to recover and then a week later had a similar, shorter term episode.  I talked to vet and we have switched to Interceptor and will not use flea/tick protection.  I will never use  Trifexis again!  I hate to think what a 4th dose would have done to him.



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