Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have been thinking of adding a second doodle, possibly a smaller one (Willow is 65 lb.) and one thing I wanted to ask was whether there is a general rule about size of a doodle and ease of potty training.  

When we got Willow, the breeder (small hobby breeder) said that it big breed puppies seemed to know what to do with potty without having to train much (in other words, she hadn't started potty training yet), and Willow, 17lb. at 10 weeks, had almost no accident indeed. Twice she peed in the house, but that's because we didn't read her message right and didn't let her out in time. At nights, she was crated around 11pm, and when I took her out around 5 am, sometimes, she didn't have to pee! (We did take up her water bowl after 8 pm, but still holding for 6+ hours?!?)

I've read posts about other doodles' potty training, and it sounds like Willow was perhaps an exception, and it really doesn't matter what the size of the doodle is in terms of housetraining?

I am curious to hear what your experience and thoughts are about this.

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Gav loves his Mom.....I think this is really sweet.

That is a great story!!!!!

Luna does the same thing - she has a nap on the bath mat.

I'm not sure if it's because she wants to be around us.. or because she wants to lick the water off my legs when I step out!

Ned was 3 1/2 months when we got him and he was about 12 pounds I think.  He had some accidents, but not many, and he was extremely easy to train - especially because we have a doggy door and other dogs to copy.  My son's Doberman (who was huge) hated wet grass and rainy weather and for longer than he should have, pooped in the dining room because of this.  I think many toy breeds are harder to train, and I think it is the physiological makeup of the dog as well as  the owner's lack of follow through.  My niece has a Pom that she paper trained - yuck!  - and she never went any further. Now that she has a toddler, I am truly grossed out, even though she is an excellent housekeeper.....

We have 2 mini goldendoodles and used bells on the door and took them out every 15 minutes. We only had a handful of accidents between the 2 One is now 18 lbs and the 27 lbs.

My Sasha is a goldendoodle (50 lbs) and Oliver is a labradoodle (75 lbs.) and there was no difference in either one of them with potty training.  I trained them both the exact same way with crate time, watching when they drank, I would pick up the water a hour or so before I went to work or out etc.  Both dogs learned in approximately the same anount of time.  I personally did not see any difference between breed, male vs. female, size.



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