Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

1 The Mystery

Some of you may recall seeing this humiliating video of poor Tara searching for her red ball in a pile of leaves.

Since this video was made I have been contemplating taking her to an optometrist for an eye exam.

But first I consulted with my friend Google and found some interesting info about our doodle's vision.

 The doodle color spectrum vs the human color spectrum:

As you can see, there is NO red in the Doodle world. This was a relief an interesting bit of info in regard to Tara's flailing about determined pathetic attempt to find her red ball. I say MYSTERY SOLVED!!! My Doodle girl  IS ready for Search and Rescue as long as there is nothing RED involved!!!

2. The Excuse

I also discovered THIS info:

"Visual Acuity

This is an area that humans hold an advantage. Resolution or Visual Acuity is the ability to resolve shapes over a distance. For instance it is not uncommon for a human to have 20/ 20 vision. This means at 20 feet they can see what a person with ‘good’ sight can see at 20 feet. However a dog typically has approximately 20/ 75 vision (range 20/50 to 20/100). This means that a human at 75 feet can see the same shape differentiation that a dog has at 20 feet from an object.

You may like to remember this the next time your dog is a long way off (with its head much closer to the ground) and you call them and expect them to see you. At long distances dogs rely much more on their higher audio detection capabilities and movement detection to see humans."

I thought I was having problems with Tara and her long distance recall but now I understand that she just can't seem me! (wink wink). Training problem SOLVED!!

3. We are Yellow

This is the really scary part!!! You have to see me wearing yellow to truly understand!!

How humans see:

How Doodles see:

Are we really yellow to our doodles???? OMD!!!

So there you have it! A mystery solved, a great excuse and sorry people but we are yellow!!


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Jane, here is the entire article if you would like to read more about it. It is a little conflicting because it says that dogs can see the slightest movement of prey at a distance. Much more so than humans can detect it. Which seems to be to be counter to what they said above about our dogs not being able to see us at a distance.

It must be all about the movement.  There is no question that Murph can see a dog approaching way before we do...but it must be because of the movement.  From this article it seems that if the other dog was stationary he would probably not see it.  Pretty interesting.

I found it interesting too. Often when Tara is at a distance, not looking my way, I call her and she looks toward me but doesn't respond until I raise my arm (which is our "come" hand signal). Then she will come running. I always assumed she responded better to hand signals  than to verbal commands but now I wonder if part of it is that she hears me but isn't sure exactly where I am?

Or smells you, after all think of your hand going up exposing...

You've been hanging out with your Indian buddy too much! Some of us DO take baths! Well once in a while anyhow...whether we need them or not!

Good one F!!!

JD can also see a dog coming from a very long distance, even at night. But hearing might be involved in that.

And don't be so sure Murph isn't smelling those dogs, Jane. Depending on the breed, a dog's sense of smell is 1000 to 10,000,000 times more sensitive than a human's.

Ricki, I was thinking an ear, nose and throat doc rather than an optometrist, lol.

LOL! I hear ya Karen!  I was wondering what happened to her primary system too. Usually eyesight is just the backup!

Your video makes me feel soooo much better about my doodles! :-)

Are you saying my TaraBear is not a jenus genus smarty like your doods?? LOL!

Maybe this is where Coldplay got the idea for this song, YELLOW

Both Tara and Spud squint in the sunshine.  Yet, he can find the ball in all those leaves.   You must be making excuses.  But I know, when Spud looks at me, I'll be singing, " and it was all yellow"

Joanne, I think this song is all about dogs!!

Spud is finding his ball because he has slobbered all over it and can SMELL it. Tara on the other hand does not leave slobber on her balls so only has her questionable keen sense of vision to rely on.

I was wondering how you looked to your dogs in that Yellow Submarine outfit!!! Yellow on yellow in yellow!!



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