Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Willow is playful, happy, and sweet, but she is submissive and get easily spooked. She's not a barker nor whiner, and even when she gets spooked, she barks just a little (once or twice, usually.)

We take her to Petsmart to groom, and our groomer is very very nice lady. However, Willow is getting more and more fearful, and this morning, she was shivering in the corner with her nose toward door while we checked her in for regular grooming session. She never shivers with fear otherwise, and it's getting worse every time she gets groomed. She's peed in the past in fear, which is also unusual and only took place in the face of the groomer.

I'd like to consider grooming myself, but my hubby is not agreeing, and I can't do it without his help.  

Are there things we can do to make her less fearful of grooming?

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Kona was afraid of going to the groomer, too. I do it myself now. He is a big 84 pound sweetheart. You can do it. Join the grooming group for help. It may not be perfect but it is so much better than having your sweet doodle shaking and peeing in fear. At least after trying three groomers, that has been my solution. I'm sorry for all of you. I did not try a mobile groomer because where we live they are beyond our financial reach. That is one solution I thought might help Kona be okay with grooming. BTW, he never shakes one bit when I am clipping or scissoring him. He is calm and happy. 

I don't want to speak badly about Petsmart groomers, or any groomers for that matter, but when she is being groomed there can you actually watch.  I have to say that I've watched some of them in our local area and they just really don't seem to be dog lovers.  I always wonder why they went into that profession.  I'd be lovin and hugging and kisses the noses on all the doggies I was grooming, but they just sort of seem to man handle them when I've been watching.  This is also where I stood in horror as the girl cutting Sophie's nails let her fall off the table with the nose on her neck (after I had asked if I could help hold Sophie!  We have not been back.  I'm not sure why you need your husband to help you groom, I do my by myself.  Occasionally if DH is home I'll ask him to help for a minute, but I normally do it myself.  (I just finished Sophie a few mins ago).  It really isn't that hard after you get the hang of it.  I just clipped Sophie and I would say it too me tops 90 mins.  You can do it and I'm guessing you will both be happier for it.  The main thing you need to do is get a table to put her up on.  Don't try to do it on the floor or somewhere like that.  The 1st pass with the clippers is the most nerve wracking ... took me forever to make that first cut, but once I did, I couldn't stop.

We have the same girl everytime at Petsmart-Myla was terrified and hated us grooming her. Having the same girl, we got to know her and she loves Myla and Myla runs to her to say hi. Once she's in the room, she runs away from her LOL! She's brought Myla through and does really good with her. However, if she dodn't work there anymore-we probably wouldn't go back either-I know what you are saying, I see the same thing. We can do a lot of it at home now where we couldn't before. Myla's come a long way!

All groomers at the pet smart ate different, I actually hid and watched the groomer groom Jack and she was I. Such a hurry she was so stressed and Jack picked up on it, it looked like a wresteling match, I literally pulled him off the table I. The middle. After that experience, I groomed hi myself fora little while to get him more used to the razor sounds the blow dryer etc.

I then had someone co e to my house to groom him which was way too much money so now we go to a great groomer. She is just starting out so she is not real busy, I have always stressed to her the I portable of Jack not getting stressed so if it was getti g too much to stop grooming.

I will admit I don't love the way she cuts him but she is gentle. I is to being him just for baths so he mould get used to the place.

Maybe you can bring your dog to the grooming place more just to go in and get a treat when you are visiting Pet Smart. Do stuff to make her more comfortable.

Good luck
You know I have to state when I go back and read my posts, I crack up. I am typing from my IPad that has auto correct and also,it is all touch pad typing, no actual keyboard. I know it looks like I am drugged when I am typing! I swear I don't take any medications that alter my mentation. I hate when a computer thinks it knows what I am trying to say!

Jennifer, I'm so glad you posted this! Frankly, I was a little worried about you! *^_^*

But I'm glad to know you're just fine and suffering only from a know-it-all iPad! I hate auto-completion and auto-correct, too!

I figured I should say something. I barely ever have a drink and I never take any kind of drugs! So funny when you look at my typing ! I need to be better about proof reading ! Rest easy it is just me learning to type on an iPad!

hehehe... I figured you must be using a cellphone to type. Thank you for the effort! :)

I see. I'll start looking into scissors and grooming tables. I know what I'll be doing tonight - browsing through Grooming group on DK!

I just use a folding table from Costco. I think you can get an arm to attach to the table to hold their leash but I haven't needed that. I would begin with only the basics: a good clipper and scissors that are meant for hair. I got mine at a beauty supply place but they can be ordered from as well as other online sites. I hope that you are able to solve this situation for sweet Willow. I know you can do it or find a mobile groomer. Best of luck to you! The Grooming Group is amazing! Barbara is a great help.

Thank you so much for the information. Grooming seemed such a daunting task, but I can see myself learning it bit by bit. 

I used to take my guys to Petco and Petsmart.  They did an okay job, but neither of my Doods was comfortable there.  I looked around and found a small groomer in our area who I love.  They do not crate the dogs...and there are only a few dogs there at a time.  It's all open so that you can watch everything they are doing.  They play with the dogs and are very loving and affectionate.  It has made a world of difference.  Both of my guys go in there with wagging's a "treat" for them.  They are also great groomers who take the time to scissor cut them.  I'd say if you aren't comfortable, keep looking.



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