Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

F and Joanne posted a fun discussion recently (except for a very annoying spinning lady) and towards the end of the discussion, a couple of people started adding some riddles.  I thought it might be fun to make this a game, BUT the Honor System is involved. Please post your Riddle or Brain Teaser below in bold print. Let's all trying guessing the answer WITHOUT using our old pal, Google or any other helpful site. Let's try just using our own brainpower and see what happens. Good luck!!

What am I??

I am solid, but very soft. I am clear, but very colorful. What am I?

I will help you with the first one.......the answer is..........JELLY!

Now, for the next question.

No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
And yet I do all three.

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LOL!  That could be our next brainteaser...which one is Ricki?

A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and staff and got these alibis: The Wife said she was sleeping. The Cook was cooking breakfast. The Gardener was picking vegetables. The Maid was getting the mail. The Butler was cleaning the closet. The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it and how did they know?

It's Sunday, no mail mail comes and it was the maid.

Good work, Sherlock!

But, how do we know she wasn't late in collecting Friday's mail?? I do that all the time...

My mailman told me he was worried about me the other day: ) Would you believe they recently found a man who had been dead over a year around here? Lots of excuses. Different mailman, (they eventually put the mail on hold) etc. Sad.

wow, that is sad.  I figure if I didn't have to show up to work Mon-Fri, then I would likely make it a week, maybe two, before anyone would notice.

Tell your mailman not to worry - we know that if you are not on DK for a few days we should alert the authorities!

Thanks, I appreciate that : ). I do fortunately have some folks around who would wonder.

Because if she waited that long to collect the mail she would have been fired a long time ago!

Thought for the day. Since genius contains us, when someone gets an answer it reflects well on us all.


A man is trapped in a room with only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door, there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing sun instantly fries anyone or anything that enters. Through the second door, there is a fire breathing dragon. How does the man escape?



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