Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

F and Joanne posted a fun discussion recently (except for a very annoying spinning lady) and towards the end of the discussion, a couple of people started adding some riddles.  I thought it might be fun to make this a game, BUT the Honor System is involved. Please post your Riddle or Brain Teaser below in bold print. Let's all trying guessing the answer WITHOUT using our old pal, Google or any other helpful site. Let's try just using our own brainpower and see what happens. Good luck!!

What am I??

I am solid, but very soft. I am clear, but very colorful. What am I?

I will help you with the first one.......the answer is..........JELLY!

Now, for the next question.

No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
And yet I do all three.


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I want to know why I am the only one working today! Ugh!

Hey, it's hard work solving these riddles!! What do you mean lady???




A person-- baby, adult, adult with a cane.

an oldie but goodie!  F., CORRECT

When you are full, you still want to eat it. Even if it is completely dark you still can see it with your naked eyes. If you happen to fall on a heap of cotton, you will suffer from it. And, even if you are completely broke, you still have it. What is this strange thing?

Thank goodness there are some shows on tonight or else you all would surely drive me round the bend.

PBS has a good one on Monday night.  President's Day.  A documentary of Clinton's White House years, however it sounds one -sided. I hate that.  Just give me the facts please.

Is that much farther? LOL

No, teetering on the brink of the bend : )

BTW, I think Googling is OK as long as you don't post the answer. Now I'm wondering how anyone got the answer to the GRY riddle, it made no sense to me after the answer.

I just got "language" from the clues stating it was something we used everyday and the we had already been told what it was. Donna also gave us a clue when Sherri guess the word "three" because it was the third word in the first sentence. So I went for the third word in the expression "the English Language".



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