Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Seasoned DKers I need your help.
My doodle Dempsey is acting really strange.
Background: Dempsey had gotten poop stuck in his fur around his bottom and my husband took clippers and shaved the hair off in the immediate area. He then started to drag his bottom on the ground and everytime he walked he woud tuck his bottom under. then he would sit and just look terribly uncomfortable. I really just thought he was reacting to the feeling of short hair (my husband didn't shave it down to the skin just mad it shorter). So after one day of this crazy walk/sit/ drag behavior I took him to the vet. She said that from all the licking and dragging he was doing that he's irritated the area. She shaved off more hair gave me a salve to put on his bum and a steroid to take for the next 7-10 days.
and there lies the problem. He is on day 2 of the steroid and his breathing is so erratic. He's panting like crazy and I'm concerned. He also is VERY clingy, way more than usual. I called the vet and she didn't seem too worried. Does anyone have any suggestions he just seems so out of sorts and I'm only on day 2 of the steroid with 9 more to go...
Would appreciate any input
I know! When my kids are on steroids I always get crazy because their heart beats really fast like that - it's scary - I know!
I think it's definitely excessive panting and lasts for at least 5- 6 hours deminishing somewhat as the day wore on. I called another vet hospital for a second opinion and they would not give me an opinion without bringing him in. So I called my Vet and she said I should stop the steroid altogether and just continue to administer the cream. She said as long as he keeps the cone on (poor doodle) he should ok.
I love the DK site. Seriously all of you are always at the ready for support, sympathy and excellent advice. I don't know what I would do without you all. So, thank you!!!
Dempsey is still VERY clingy, not only does he have to be neat me he has to be touching me. Thank goodness it's still relatively cool here in the east coast or I would be going crazy.
he does seem to be in better spirits but is still walking funny, and very jumpy/agitated.
On a light note here are a few pictures of Demps and his cone plight......
Jennifer I can send you his cone when he's done with it... ;)
LOL! You are too funny!
Dempsey you are adorable even with a cone!
Oh, Dempsey is so cute!! Hope the itchy butt gets better soon.
I'll pass on your good may take him some time to appreciate it ; )
He looks like he's taking the cone in stride - what a good boy!
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