Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just a quick update...we got an offer on our house last night, countered, and they accepted it today.  3/30 close date (YIKES).  I'll pack up and park the U-Haul for a few weeks while I finish out my notice for my job.  Ex-DH (judge signed decree on 2/21) is getting an apartment so Rua & I will stay there for a few weeks (that way he gets to see his Rua).  Then, off to CA!


Thank you all for your friendship and prayers!

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Well it's off to new beginnings. Wishing you a great adventure and happiness. Though everything is not the way you imagined I just know your life will be full of wonderful things.

Good Luck Dori to you and Rua.

Wow, that is amazing!  So happy that the house sold so quickly and that it is all coming together.  Exciting times ahead. 

Congratulations!  That certainly is a fast closing date but, in this market, I bet you are happy you have a buyer and that you can start your new life soon.  All the best!

What wonderful news Dori!  It seems like things are falling into place for you....hoping it's all good for you and Rua going forward.

Good for you Dori! 

Dori! Congrats!! Hope it all works out well for you until then. Then you and Rua are off to you new start! That's a huge burden off your shoulders for sure.

Wonderful! Congratulations!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! What wonderful, exciting, really thrilling news! Hooray! What a relief you must feel not to have that hanging over your head. Now you will be footloose and fancy free and able to move on. Blessings!

Dori, many's to your new life which I'm sure will work out wonderfully well

Congratulations, Dori! Let the new adventures begin! Lots of good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

Your new life reminds me of one of my favorite poems--by Arthur Hugh Clough--especially the  last stanza:

Say not the Struggle Naught availeth
SAY not the struggle naught availeth,  
  The labour and the wounds are vain,  
The enemy faints not, nor faileth,  
  And as things have been they remain.  
If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars;          5
  It may be, in yon smoke conceal'd,  
Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers,  
  And, but for you, possess the field.  
For while the tired waves, vainly breaking,  
  Seem here no painful inch to gain,   10
Far back, through creeks and inlets making,  
  Comes silent, flooding in, the main.  
And not by eastern windows only,  
  When daylight comes, comes in the light;  
In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly!   15

  But westward, look, the land is bright!

Congratulations Dori!...

What Wonderful news...

I'm So very happy for you!

The Best Is Yet To Come...

GREAT! What a relief the house is sold.

Now on to your next wonderful chapter in your life!



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