Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Ruby is coming up on 8 months and starting to act super independent. She doesn't lay near me anymore while I watch TV, preferring to lay out of the room near a wall in the dining area. It may be silly of me, but I really miss my velcro dog. She's not completely dismissive of me, but I'm usually the one initiating the contact, e.g. I will go to her, pick her up and bring her back to where I am on the sofa. She does follow me anytime I'm near the kitchen, but that's only because she reveres the kitchen, the giver of all things tasty. She's still incredibly sweet when she hasn't seen me in awhile, but I miss her longing to be at my feet in the evenings. :(
I've read online that female dogs tend to be more independent and moody, while the males are big clingy babies. I wonder if this holds true in the doodle world as well.
What about your dood? Does he/she hold true to this stereotype?
From what I understand those male vs. female personality differences only apply to intact dogs and not ones that are spayed/neutered.
Luna is most DEFINITELY a velcro dog - her nickname is curious George because she ALWAYS has to know what we're doing and be near one of us. She's almost always found geographically between the two of us when we're both in the house.
Ruby is like Luna, curious to no end -- If I leave the room, she'll follow, but mainly because she is convinced something awesome might happen. She has to peek into every bag (if a shopping bag is left on the floor), and nose every new item within her space. I call her Gladys from the show Bewitched because she won't mind her own business!!!
My female Kona is also very independent. She would rather lay outside on the steps or cool patio than beneath my feet in the house. She does make up for it at night though, as she sleeps next to me and cuddles close. My male Buddy is always near me, he is a mama's dog and constantly under my feet and kissing and loving constantly. My first dog who was a male was also close to me like Buddy. All my dogs, male and female were spayed/nuetered at 6 months.
Buddy sounds soooo sweet!!!! I'm starting to think that Ruby doesn't have the problem; I do. I'm too needy! =)
Lachlan's the opposite of velcro. He's been independent since he was small. He likes to know where I am and what I'm doing but prefers to relax by the front door where the floor's cool. He'll ask for a hug once in a while, but otherwise isn't snuggly. Declan is much more clingy than Lach was at that age, but I don't know yet how much of that is due to his "early childhood" versus natural inclination.
wow. I didn't know Lachlan was an indie boy! That surprises me. Jen, you are messing with my theory that if i get a second doodle, a male, I'll have my own clingy baby!! grrr. :)
It depends. Luca is most often right by me. Calla often stays downstairs. Luca is always on the bed, Calla is on and off. Luca will run away given an open gate and he's reluctant to return. Calla may accompany him but she is more compliant in returning. Calla is often under the table, though, in case she gets lucky. All in all Calla comes to me if she needs something, but Luca stays nearby in the house just because.
Pebbles is very much a velcro dog. She will not even stay outside and play with my other dog, unless I am out there with them. My non doodle is also a female, but has always been independent. She will come and "check on me" if I am in another room, but will go back to the couch or "her" chair.
My female, Fudge, is very independent. I like that about her. She loves to be cuddled, but hangs back while my male dog, Vern, tries to hog all the attention. Vern is not a velcro dog, but comes to where I am often for a hug. I like that my dogs are different. I had two female dogs in the past that were definitely Velcro dogs.
You are well adjusted; I am not. ;)
I want Ruby to want me (channeling Cheap Trick). I now realize that I have no life, or very little life that does not revolve around my doodle. Hmmm.. Again, I think I'm the one with the problem, not Ruby.
PS - I love Fudge and Vern. Who doesn't?
I had never heard this before but actually it istotally true with mine. Winnie is the biggest sucky baby ever, and Sophie is too cool for school. That's so interesting to think it could be a gender thing.
Knox is my shadow -- a real momma's boy!
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