Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was so excited to see that Alysen's puppies are arriving right now! Lizzie is laboring as I write. :-) Check out the live video on the Goldendoodle Puppy Cam!

Corinth Doodles Puppy Cam

Or the same video stream on the site

uStream Goldendoodle Puppy Cam

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I can't see a thing!...It looks so dark on my screen! hoo!
The lights are off at night.
oh! DUH!....
It's so addictive to watch. But I wish the camera were closer like the Shiba puppies. I want to see their faces.
Oh my stars this is soooooo cool. I'm adding to "my page" so I can watch them grow.. very cool.
We watched them being born and it was so sweet!
OMG!!!! Just saw adorable :) LOVE puppies and their breaths. Thanks for sharing this with all of us
oh my--they are noisy things right now---sound like a human baby!!!
how many are there? last i saw was last night, and there were only 4.

they are loud...the 1 pup does not sound happy!! lol
4 was all. small litter.
How do you get sound?
Lori, I don't understand the sound thing either. But leave the window open and go to another tab to do your other stuff and about a hour later you will hear little squeeks and barks that will scare the heck out of you and then you'll realize the sound is there. It took about an hour for me to get the sounds and now that I leave it up, I can hear them. They have scared my dogs too, as they just started squeeking when the house was quiet. The dogs went running and staring at the computer screen. LOL



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