Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a new puppy and have been pretty much addicted to DK since we brought Quincy home a month and half ago. I just want to give a HUGE shout out to everyone who posts such great ideas, product recommendations and laughs to share

I am pretty sure I have read most of this stuff- since I work from home and have gotten pretty much zero work done lately -here are a few items that have stuck with me:

  • She will stop nipping- someday - be patient - then maybe half my pants / sweats will not have little holes in them.
  • Frozen yogurt in a kong- ahhh....Crate heaven!
  • The paw plunger is a good idea in theory- once purchased and tried this morning, I think it is def a you-tube moment waiting to be recorded.
  • Sweet Potatoes and Pumpkin are like dog delicacy and antlers are a godsend
  • Poop comes in many shapes and consistencies but most important is to do it regularly.
  • My puppy doesn't sit funny, whew..I was seriously concerned until I saw some pictures here.
  • She knows her name when she feels like it, and isn't deaf.
  •  Professional Training is a must
  • Clean thy ears - brush / comb - trim regularly

But mostly I have learned after reading about some of the hardships and illnesses some of you have experienced that I feel so very grateful to have a healthy girl (so far.  I hope and pray anyone who right now is struggling will get good news and their pups will be on the mend and get healthy.

thanks guys!

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Thanks for posting this, Patty! DK is a great place to be!
I bring my doodle home tomorrow and have been on this site every day learning new things. It truly is a great site.



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