Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

You have to be really dedicated to get the mud above the eyes.....

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I LOVE this photo! 

The mud seems to be confined to the bottom of my doods' paws, and yet the floor where they come in looks like they are covered in mud.

Yours looks pretty innocent, though =)

Oh my. Glad it isn't Haley. Just occasionally muddy feet here.

AWESOME!!! My dood loves mud and water too - you really do have to be dedicated to get it around the eyes :)  So darn cute!

Unfortunately, I don't know your doodles well enough to know if this is Tura or Dolly.  However, it looks like he/she is saying, "WHAT???  Why are you looking at me that way?".  So cute!!!

This is hysterical....and I feel so much better about my guys whose feet and legs look just like this on many days....but at least they never get their faces muddy.  Look at that proud Doodle face...priceless.

Oh what a dirty doole !!! - LOL   My two have been that dirty many times - straight to the tub they went !!!  I love the facial expression !!!!

all i can say in response to this pic is.  WOW. 

I love a good muddy doodle. A muddy doodle is a sign of a happy doodle. :D

Does this count? This is Lilly facing the camera. Gus is turning the other way, but was just as muddy.

Dirty dogs


A better question would be "who doesn't" ha ha

For some reason I never think to take a photo, all I can think is "get this mud off my dog before it get's on me, my car, the floors or my carpet.

This is a GREAT photo!



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