Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everybody, Fudge here and I have a big problem. The big problem's name is Vern and he weighs 91 pounds. I am getting sick and tired of him pouncing on me every chance he gets.  When mom tells us to get in the van or dad's car, Vern always jumps in first and guards the doorway. 

My mom says, "Fudge, hurry up and get in the van," but, I know when I do Vern is going to tackle me. So, someone always has to come around to the door and make Vern move to let me in, but then they close the door and sure enough, Vern starts trying to wrestle with me. He is really getting on my nerves and I think he is a big turkey.

Lately, when we get let out into the yard to do our business, Vern pushes right out in front of me and then, you guessed it, he turns around and tries to swing me around by my collar.  Sure, he gets in trouble, but he never seems to care. Something has to be done soon.

When my human sister was home the other weekend, she tried to give me some hugs and cuddles and Vern tried to horn in on the action. I got mad and tried to scare him, but he thought I wanted to show our sister how we wrestle.

Well, today is the day I am going to do something about Vern and I hope someone can help me. Just ask yourself if you would like to see this running full speed at you.

Also, I know everyone thinks Vern is so cute, but he is double my size.

So, here is what I am looking for in the way of a bodyguard.

Bodyguard must be willing to live on the premises, escort me to the car, stop Vern from plowing into to me when my humans are trying to give me some hugs and kisses, and most of all stop this behavior:

Thank you for your help! Love, Fudge


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Hey Fudge...

Sasha here...

I'm So sorry that you have to put up with all of that abuse... from that Great Big Handsome brother of yours!

I'd be Very Happy to take him off of your hands...I mean paws... for a while...

Have your Mom send him to my house!

My Mom won't mind at all...

Your Friend Sasha...

Sweet Sasha,

You clearly have your DM's generous spirit. 

love, bonnie, kona and owen

Sasha, I wish my mom would send him, but she is dippy over the big guy!! I will try and talk her into it, but I don't think she will go for it :) Thank you, Fudge

Dear Fudge,  I've been reading about your brother's antics for a couple of years now and it's clear he's one of those self-absorbed male types my mom reads about in the Cosmopolitan magazine when she goes to the hairdresser.   He knows all the girls (DK moms) swoon over him and it's gone to his head BIG time!   He thinks the world revolves around him!   I sure wish you were my kid sister Fudge....I'd let you sit anywhere you wanted...heck! I'd even help you get into the car if you needed a paw!   I'd share all my toys with you.   I'd never be so dopey that I'd sniff your backside (YUCK!).    UH comes my DM!!!    Gotta go!   Your friend Banjo.

Banjo, You always catch my eye when you go by in the slideshow and I bet we could be good friends. It sure sounds like you have figured Vern out. It would be so nice to have someone help me into a car, instead of trying to jump on me. How did I get stuck with Vern as my brother?? Thank you, Fudge

P.S.    My mom is DoodleCrazy about your brother Vern....I hope she doesn't read my message to you!!!!!

I know.....please tell her, to come get him :)

Dear Fudge,

You really don't need a just need to "get tough" with your big brother.  I got sick of being pushed around by Big Murph too, and I decided it was time to show him that I'm little but I won't be bullied.  He loves to chase me around the house or through the fields when we're off leash....then rush me, hitting with his giant body.  Lately when he gets right behind me I spin around real quick and nip him in the ear.  It stops him dead in his tracks.  Then he runs to Mom like a big baby.  Here's a picture of me right before I got his ear.  Give it a try, Vern that the little Doods will NOT BE BULLIED!

Woo Hoo Guinness! You're the hero for all us little doods!!!!!  Give him what for!!!!

The invariable victor, though not the instigator of battle, is Luca who weighs 20 pounds less than Calla.

Hooray for the little guys!!  Nice picture F!




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