Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Anyone have anything to say about the nervous doodle? Joey is fearful and nervous, just over 1y.o., not sure how to help him. He gets exercise daily, day care, has been socialized, etc... I wanted to train him for therapy dog but that may not be possible.  Any ideas appreciated!


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Hi! Sorry to hear that. Have you had a chance to look for a qualified dog trainer in your area that could help you?

Yes, tomorrow we are meeting with a trainer/behaviorist to see what  we can do for Joey.

I think it's great that you're pursuing an evaluation for Joey.  It's difficult to provide advice on a fear issue that is as broad as you're describing without actually seeing how Joey responds and having a better sense of his environment.  Do you think he sees you as a strong leader? 

I think he sees me a the leader but not sure if that's enough to make him feel safe, especially outdoors.

What is Joey fearful of? People, other dogs, inanimate objects? All of the above? Is he fearful at day care?

He is afraid of blow dryers, wind, some strangers or startling events, sounds in the distance, and often is looking behind on walks even when there is nothing there.

I would also ask what official obedience training he has been through and what type of socialization you have been doing?  Also, if Therapy work is something that you truly want to do, I would find a trainer in your area that specializes in Therapy Dog training and have them do an evaluation for you to see if they think that Joey is a good candidate for formal training.  I can sympathize with you in that we got our two doodles at the same time.  They are from the same liter.  Our goal was to have both of them take their therapy test so that my DH and I could both visit with them at the same time as sort of our retirement job!  Our Sophie started visiting at our local Veteran's Home when she was about 1.5 y/o.  She officially took her Therapy Test thru Delta Society when she was 2 y/o.  She is the perfect dog for therapy work.  She loves people.  Our Lucy on the other hand is the shy one.  If you would have asked me when they were little which one would be the better therapy dog I would have said Lucy.  However, when she was around 8 months old, and I can remember the exact moment in time, she all of a sudden started shying away from people.  She does eventually warm up to people, and it isn't all people.  I have worked and worked and worked with her.  We spent every week-end for about the first 2-3 years out with them at various Malls and Stores socializing them.  They have been through 3 levels of obedience in their 1st year.  We are currently working with a lady that does therapy work and trains dogs for Rally to see if there is anything that we can do to bring her around and through her shyness.  The funny part is that Lucy likes this lady and she doesn't shy away from her so I think this lady thinks I'm nuts.  Lucy goes with us to the Veteran's Home twice a month now that DH is retired and we are hoping that with time she will come around and be able to take her test.  The bottom line though is that not all dogs are cut out for Therapy work ... and it doesn't matter how bad we want it, if they don't have the right temperment, there really isn't much we can do about it!  Good Luck.

Thanks for the reply.  Joey has been to a puppy class and 2 obedience classes in his first year.  He is usually at the top of his class, but still is very excitable and hard to control during the down times in class.  I have used a lot of socialization outings, sports events, malls, downtown, bus stations, dog parks, etc. and he doesn't appear too stressed.  We are consulting a behaviorist tomorrow for an evaluation.  I realize Joey may not be fit for therapy work but I hope he can be a relaxed and comfortable companion.  He is a wonderful dog but has  a lot of nervous energy, usually only relaxes after strenuous activity and then only for a short while...

You have to remember he is still just a puppy as well.  Just over a year old, he still has a lot of maturing to do.  I saw a big change in our girls at around 14-15 months.  You say he is fearful and nervous, but from your description here, he seems just like a normal active puppy.  If he is doing good on your socialization outings and doesn't appear stressed, where is the fear and nervousness?

The fear shows up on walks a lot, preoccupied with looking behind him, also when pottying - sometimes he's too afraid to go because he hears normal outdoor sounds...

He may indeed not be therapy material, but could you describe his behavior in more detail as well as what level of obedience he has under his belt (what can he do and how reliable is he to do those things when you take him places)?

Hope you have had luck with the behavior eval. I have a doodle with hand shyness and being too cautious, and the behaviorist gave me some great pointers- but, he will not be a therapy dog (as I had planned). Sport is almost 2 years old, and after consulting the breeder, taking him to classes and working with him, we know that his personality is just that- shy and nervous. Although I have noticed a huge behavioral change in the past months as he is maturing...settling more independently and accepting change more willingly. As my behaviorist said,"Just like some people don't like being hugged, your pup doesn't enjoyed being touched-although with high-stakes treats, will tolerate it." All of this was sad news, but he is terrifically funny and full of surprises each day! Hope this helps.



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