Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay, I'm loosing it but what a better place to loose it than DK.

With the increase in popularity of some breeds of dogs the increase in pros and cons occur.

Take for example the increase in demand for  Dalmatians after the movie,  101 Dalmatians,  was released in 1996. Many of these dogs were found to be over bred and not the great family pets as once thought.  Many dogs lost their homes when families found they had to train them or this was not the right dog for a family, or " I bought the dog for my children but found they do not take care of the dog", etc.

Now with Doodles we are all witnessing the increase in popularity, BYB, adoptions, and posts that have become heart wrenching here on DK of those looking to re-home their dogs.  Expect to see more.

On to my point-CHICKENS.

In my area, and across the country, designer chickens are becoming a culturally  popular animal to get and place in the backyard. Cities in my area are now faced with voting on Chicken legislation.

Students and residents at Kent State University lost their battle to keep chickens in the yard.  Nearby, the City of Green, will allow the chickens but no roosters.  So no eggs.  My other son complained his professor talked more about his chickens than he did instructing his class.  Last week, a family member talked on and on about his chickens and how trendy they are.  All his friends were getting them.  In my area, it is everywhere.  It is a fad?   Designer Chickens.

I wonder if there are   I wonder if will have 1/2 million chickens for adoption? 

The above Chicken, BETTY, needs a fenced in yard, another chicken to keep her company.  She also has fears the sky is falling... the ad reads on.

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I truly hope that many many people who were thinking of getting a dog, especially a doodle, decide instead to get a couple of chickens.

While I am sure there are many challenges involved in being a Chicken Kisser, I feel certain that it requires far less time, energy, money, and common sense than owning a doodle does. And I think the grooming is probably a snap.



I spoke too soon. Here are a couple who would like to be adopted together.  This must be from the fallout at Kent State University and the new legislation within the city of Kent.  These two need a home.  They look good.

How funny. I think roosters must be hard to place for all the obvious auditory reasons.

Gee they should be grandfathered in.

I checked it out. Roosters are not needed for eggs!! And you really don't want fertilized eggs anyway. When are you getting Spud some two legged, feathered playmates : )

That's right.  You just need to have a rooster for fertilized eggs.  Chickens will still lay eggs even without a rooster around.  There are lots of chickens on the roads around here, but you don't see (or hear) many roosters.  The thing about chickens is they are good to eat (or is that my farm background showing through?).

Keeping chickens in the city is all the rage here as well.  They even have a chicken coup tour every year. It is quite the event. A guy I work with has chickens that have pretty speckled eggs.... do not need a rooster to get just need a rooster to get chicks out of the eggs.   I guess if you decide you don't want your chicken anymore you don't have to re-home can just eat it for dinner :)

A former teaching colleague of mine now lives in Davis, CA - home to one of the University of California campuses.  She helps organize the Davis Tour de Cluck each year.  She, herself, has several unique varieties of hens and posts their pictures on Facebook.  It makes a little more sense now that I hear that raising chickens is a fad.  I thought she and her friends were just plain nuts - now I see that they're faddish nuts!! 

GMTA,  Ronna.

Thank you. I thought a rooster was needed.  I live in suburbia where the zoning is flexible.  Across the street there are donkeys, the occasional horse, and I feared someone would get one of those horny roosters. UGH

Now my mind is put to ease.  I suppose you could get an anti-crowing collar for the rooster?  N

In Raleigh you either live inside the beltline or outside the beltline (where I live).....if you have a chicken inside the beltline you are hip, trendy and probably rich.  If you have a chicken outside the beltline (where I live) are just a redneck :)



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