Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just when you think you have seen it all! I was in PetsMart this morning and there was a lady in the leash aisle with me with this very weird looking thing dog. It caught my eye because it had a doodly type coat but it was very long and just bizarre looking. It seems friendly so I of course have to chat up the lady to see what this thing dog was. I asked her if she knew what mix she was (assuming that this couldn't possibly been an intentional breeding) and she "of course I do, it's a weeniedoodle" - and said in a tone like I was the stupidest person in the world for asking this - all the while I am trying not to laugh after hearing the words "weenie and doodle" together! She went on to say it was a standard poodle and standard dachshund and she just loved weiner dogs but the last few she had were very prone to back problems and she felt this was the "perfect" mix. She said she had to search everywhere for a reputable breeder. All I could say was "oh wow - uh huh - oh - uh huh". It really brought new meaning to "there is a weenie born every minute" I couldn't even find a Google photo that resembled this trainwreck weeniedoodle. What's next? Hey maybe they will cross those designer chickens Joanne was talking about with poodles and they could be a cockadoodle :-)

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This would be funny if it wasn't so bizarre.  I can't even imagine what this "mix" would look like. 

Too bad you did not secretly take a picture. I would love to see that one! :-)

If I was savvy enough with my phone I would have taken one in a second!!! 

Can you imagine the disaster that breeding such a large dog with a small dog can bring.What were they thinking.

This is why I always answer those "has anyone ever seen this type of "doodle" before"  questions (boxerdoodle, berdoodle, etc) with the same response: You can breed a poodle with anything, but that doesn't mean you should.


I swear on the dog food bag, I've met this woman and her dog.  Did she say she was from Canal Fulton?

She had on a Northwest sweatshirt so yes Joanne I bet she was! It was kind of a red brown color and had more of the wires curly coat and it was a very disproportionate looking dog, like to long for its height. When it was sitting it kind of had a hunched back look. Just really bizarre! Where did you see her?

I want to say the dog is 2+ years old.  I met her at the Stow Dog Park?   All I remember is a woman who told a similar story; the mix, the back issues, and Canal Fulton.   Seems to me she also had another dog or was with a woman and another dog.  Dunno?  Doesn't really matter but I know, this story is a Deja Vu

that is just nuts. It's like someone is out there trying to imagine up the most bizarre ways to breed a poodle and then touting it as the latest doodle trend. How about a PuggleDoodle?? I should get started, this could be the next big designer breed!

I have to admit though, I know a little bernadoodle and she is just the best :)

You could mix any two breeds together and end up with a great dog. There have been great mixed breeds dogs forever, and there always will be. And you could mix the same two breeds together and end up with a rotten dog. Same difference.

IMO, there has to be more reason to deliberately breed puppies than "I like such and so breed, but I don't like the shedding, so if I mixed them together..."

She seemed to think that mixing the breeds it would eliminate the back problems. It was really disproportionate looking, to long for its height and didn't look comfortable sitting :-(



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