Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hey everyone,
Bentley is almost a year old and I've noticed over the past 2-3 months that he has become "that" dog when we take him for his walks. Whenever we meet a new dog, I'll ask if he/she is friendly before I let Bentley visit. After about 10 seconds, he starts barking at him like crazy. His tail is always wagging, so I know that it's a playful bark, but he has a deep bark and it's always with dogs smaller than him, so it sounds mean. It's so embarassing because I know I don't want a dog like that coming up to Bentley. What does this mean? Other than he's hitting his teenage years. :-)
He barks more in the house when we're playing with his ball and we don't give it to him right away. I always shush him before giving him the ball, but I'm not a fan of the barking. When we take him to the dog park, he's the one running around with his tail tucked. Unless a dog is bugging him, he won't make a sound. I feel like this is him being dominant, but I don't know anything about this. I do know that he respects me and listens to me, but does not respect my fiance (mainly because he lets him get away with it). Any suggestions for a book on being a pack leader?
Also, when my fiance goes up the stairs, Bentley beats him to the top and starts barking, lunging and jumpig like crazy as if to keep him from getting to the top? Is this a sign of disrespect? Is he dominating my fiance? Once again, he has never done this to me. We also found out that while the in-laws where sitting for us last week, that he did this to his dad.
But the icing on the cake, was when we got back from vacation and my future FIL tells me that Bentley has been humping their 150 lb Great Dane...mind you, Bentley is 53 lbs. He was just neutered about a month ago and he NEVER did this to any dog before and he's been around this great dane several times. I was so livid that it really took me a few days to not be mad at Bentley. I felt like he wasn't the same dog. I wanted to laugh that my dog was mounting another dog who was 3 times his weight, but I couldn't. I felt like if I was there, I would have put an end to it right away.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant, just not sure if I'm overreacting (as I usually do) or if this just requires some tough puppy love. Not sure I know the difference between dominance and playfulness. Thanks for your help!
I'd like to hear what others have to say to this. Willow is more vocal (not that much still) than how she used to be, too, and I wondered if this is par for the course or something we really have to work on. It seems to me that she's more aware of her surroundings now that she's grown up a bit (thus, friendly "hi!", or alerting "mom, someone's at the door!") and trying to communicate more. She's also smarter, has longer attention span, and pays better attention to us too (perfect recall, etc.), and her barking is never much more than a couple of short ones. But still, I'd like her to not to say "hi!" with that loud low bark that might frighten the other party.
Have you done any obedience classes? I think a structured and consistent training plan will go a long way. The demanding, barking to get you to play is something that I would want to put a stop to right away. Also the running up the stairs is totally unacceptable. I think he needs a leash on him in the house so that you can control the stair decent and correct him when he is being a bully. Consider having a look at a discussion I posted in the training group, this may well be the right approach you you (read it bottom to top)
I never let Cocoa bark during walks. Occasionally when we are going on a walk, another dog (usually from across the street) barks at her and she starts barking back. I make her sit, turn toward me and give me her (quiet) undivided attention until the other dog walks by. I think Bentley shouldn't be visiting other dogs on walks until this behavior stops.
I agree obedience training would help. It sounds like Bentley needs to also learn the word "wait" so he waits until others climb the stairs before he may do so. It would probably be very helpful if your fiance goes to the training classes and learns how to handle Bentley.
I think Bentley is just a big handsome teenage puppy and need to learn how to deal with his emerging hormones (at least he doesn't have to worry about pimples)!
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