Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I am sorry I have been MIA for a little while. DH had surgery last week (he is okay, no worries), I am pregnant, has been devoted to other things lately. Definitely still devoted to the dogs, just not as much time for the internet :(
Anyway, I was checking Facebook and this is at the top of the status updates:
"This is our dog Presley. It greatly saddens me to do this, but we are in need of finding a good home for her. Now that we have 2 kids our lives have become too busy for us to have me at...."
Let me preface this by saying that there are circumstances that occur and families must re-home pets. I am not trying to be judgmental by saying a blanket statement about how you should NEVER re-home your dog or cat. There are reasons this must be done.
HOWEVER, when the heck did it just HIT YOU that life has become so drastically busier that you cannot care for your beloved pet, that dog that has loved you unconditionally for years? How do people just do this? It makes me want to cry (yes, I am an emotional mess right now and totally hormonal).
I know my life is going to be crazy with a baby. I know things are going to change. I knew I was going to have kids when I got Tacky 8 years ago and when I got Peri 3 years ago. But when I made the decision to get choodle, I knew they would be with me, in our household, until the end. No questions (unless for some reason a child was put in terrible danger from one of them and we don't need to get into that right now).
Come on people! I know rescue orgs see this all the time. I see it all the time. But I never get over it. I think about the fact that my two dogs LIVE FOR US. They would do anything for us. I know I am over-humanizing my dogs, but come on. They give us so much and ask for so little: food, a home, companionship. That's it. Just because you end up having 2 human kids, it doesn't mean it's time for the dog to leave.
I was thinking of that video when I read this, Roberta.
Gotta go read that. Just having some time now.
This makes me sick and makes me want to cry, and I am neither hormonal nor pregnant.
I will never understand this if I live to be 100, how people can treat a pet like some old household object that's in the way.
Shame on them.
So if they have a third kid are they going to give away the first one because they are too busy for three kids. That is purely cold and callous. Why don't they just say what they mean and not use the kids as an excuse. Should read, "We are too lazy to look after Presley so we don't want him anymore. Arrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hah Donna-I just typed pretty much the same thing!!
You hit the nail on the head Donna. PHLUGH!
It is terribly sad. They DO live for us! Do they have no emotional connection to their pets? They made a choice and now they are just saying it's ok to let go of them. I hope they don't have any more children, they may have to get rid of one!!
So...totally....agree.... A former coworker recently made the same post....They had three children, a dog, and careers. So what should you add to this mix of already "not enough time or energy"....well, of course, another dog! So off this little family went to the rescue and got another dog...only to "give it 3 months to adjust" and back to the shelter it went!
Thank you for finally letting me get this off my chest...have been stewing about it for weeks....all I kept thinking throughout this is when we brought home Beemer, Comiskey was sure he WAS NOT GOING TO STAY! took a full year for them to become very best buds....
Its a crime! It really is!
Allyson, we've missed you and I'm sorry to hear about DH's surgery...but happy that it all turned out okay. I worry so much about these "throw away" dogs is heartbreaking.
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