Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone,


Perry (almost 14 weeks - female Goldendoodle)  is doing wonderfully on her crate training, and even leash walking , she's not a puller, and walks pretty calmly!

However, she has began to start testing us to the extremes with following commands.  We have had to begin walking her for potty on leash only,  and as of this moning, after 2 episodes on biting my son's hand pretty badly - I put her on leash ALL MORNING  - and pretty much reverted to a non stop - "earn it mode"    She will not potty FIRST if she's let out with out a leash - she goes straight to eating mulch and playing - and forgets to get her busniess  done. We are going back to all outside play is earned.

Also, the CHASE ME game has begun if I catch her eating or playing when she should be pottying. I will NOT play the chase game and do find a way to distract her back in,  after MANY attempts at a "come" command....

She has also gotten more rowdy in the evenings and mornings and not settling down.  We have increased excersise and walks to help combat this.  But it's as if I can feel her "slipping" if you know what I mean -  like, I have taken her past good behavior for granted and now she's really pushing the limits.  We want a reminder to her that we remain in charge.

I want to regain this control, and reinforce things like, lay on your spot, etc.

I have heard the prong collars are effective training tools, and most training classes ask that you have one on them - but  I was uncertian if they are mainly only effective for walking, or also for everyday household reinforcement.

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Never thought about Mulch being a problem, I will read into it. The mulch we have, is alteast 6 years old!  it fills up my sons playground area -  so there's no way to remove it at all.  Surely after this long,  anything it had been treated with would have leached out by now.... ??  we are only taking her to potty on leash, and can stop her from trying to nibble on it - hopefull it's just a bad teething habit.     my older dogs were never intersted in it, and they were here when it was built...



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