Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
The other day I had a friend request and excitedly clicked on my request and I was directed to a list of all my friends. The computer would not tell me who was asking to be my friend and now, my request has left the building. Listen, my kids tell me all the time that the majority of my friends are imaginary or cyber friends. It doesn’t matter to them that I can rattle off facts about many of the members or their dogs; they still shake their heads sadly at me and hold up their fingers in a big L for Loser.
I get so tired of telling them that Karen said this about dog food or F said that about Julia Roberts or Jane is working hard with Murphy or how Ricki pronounces Tara’s name, only to have them say, “mom, do you have any friends that others can see?” I told them these are real people and we have come together because we love Doodles and of course, the daughter with the French Bulldogs said, “oh, that is right…what is the name of your group again?….Nuts with Mutts?” She knows darn well, we go by DoodleKisses and I am pretty sure her husband and she sat around one night rhyming words that go with nuts, insane, crazy, bonkers, or kooky, and this was the best they could come up with between them. Personally, I prefer Bonkers for Doodle Honkers, but I am keeping that to myself because that kid does not need any help.
No matter what I am called by my family, I like when I get a friend request and now it is gone. I am sure that person thought, “The heck with you, lady! Who do you think you are ignoring my friend request?” but I didn’t ignore it, some gremlin inside DoodleKisses was working overtime to thwart all my efforts to find a new friend.
So, I am taking a moment and singing at the top of my lungs in the direction of Washington to the tune of Papa, Can you Hear Me?
Adina, Can you see me?
Adina, Can you find me in the night?
Adina, Are you near me?
Adina, Can you hear me?
Adina, Can you help me not be frightened?
Looking at my computer I seem to see
One friend request, who is it now?
I can’t respond to you
Although I have tried so many times
Now, that I’m alone
Friend, Please forgive me
Try to understand me
It was out of my control
Can’t you hear me praying?
That you come back to me
Please listen to what I’m saying
And give me one more chance
Adina, How I love DK
Adina, How I need my friends
Adina, Can you hear me?
Adina, Help me understand
Adina, Can you hear me??
I am not saying I am a bad singer, but what I lack in pitch and tone, I make up for in volume, and I guarantee if I was at Adina and Clark’s house and happened to be singing this song to them in person, they would ask me what it was going to take to shut me up. All I would say is, “I just want my friend back!!” Remember, my daughter lives in Oregon. It is really not that far to go to sing a friend a song.
Nancy, Start singing!!! Adina has to hear all of us sooner or later!!
That is weird!
F has been unfriending people. Did she disappear as your friend? LOL
Gotta check! Nope - I have been a very good girl so I am still her friend.
One person. My old buddy Joanne who mocked me and I didn't actually do it : )
Laurie I can hear you!
Laurie I can see you!
Laurie I want you to have loooooooooads of friends!
But Sadly,
Tech Support Can't Hear You
Tech Support Can't See You
You see it's the weekend
You hear it's the weekend
They are blind and deaf after Friday.
(I'll let 'em know your vital friendship is at stake). singing finally touched you!! I noticed you did not say anything about me headed your way and welcoming me with open arms...LOL!!! Thank you for replying in song :)
I laughed so hard at this one Laurie, if I were drinking something it would have been all over my keyboard as well. Especially love the Papa Adina can you here me rendition, I will have this tune (Barbara's not yours) in my head for days.
At least your friend request is from here, I have put out so many friend requests to fellow Doodle Owners (at least 3) with flyers and in person that I am sure these people consider me nuts.
I mean hey, I didn't go up to them, they came up to me "is that a doodle?", "why yes, yes she is, and I see you also have one". One thing leads to another and after conversing for 15 minutes about the wonder of doodles I will invite them. They all seem interested and excited. Sometimes we have our doodle bag (water, towelettes, treats, ball and DK flyers) and I reach in and proudly hand one over. I anxiously wait and watch the new members board and then eventually realize, well now there is another person out there that thinks I am nuts.
Don't worry, I will keep putting myself out there but maybe I will let my DH do the talking about his crazy wife and her crazy Doodle world and they will get a laugh at my expense and then actually check us out. Once that happens they will be hooked like us I am sure!
Lisa, Wow....I did not know you were going door to door like a Jehovah's Witness trying to drum up business for DK. You are truly dedicated...LOL!! Maybe you do need a rest and your DH could take over the recruiting for just a bit :)
Yes, I have stopped for now...I realize if my family says things like "where's mom in doodle land?" and "yeah, yeah, we know all about how smart Karen is and how much Fudge use to look like Daisy but not now" and they are supposed to love me I should probably back off. Ha ha
LOL....I have the same problem with my family :)
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