Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, as many of you know, we adopted Little Dog (aka Benny) and then were completely overwhelmed with everything going on in our lives and were going to just be fosters and find Benny a new forever home.  Our current dog, Cooper, hated little Benny and got sick and was not himself.  I felt horribly guilty that I had adopted Little Dog and had made Cooper unhappy.  And Benny was very needy and brutally thin.  But then...something pretty amazing happened...Benny put on a couple of pounds and started to act like a dog, and Coop decided he liked the little guy!  About two weeks ago, Benny just came up to Cooper and nipped his ear and did a play bow, and it was on!  They had zoomies around the house for about 30 minutes and have been pals ever since.  Benny has learned he is number 2 dog, no doubt about it, and Coop has settled in to having a little brother. 

Benny started "school" last week and is getting some basic manners.  He has mastered sit so far, and we are working very very hard on getting him to come when called.  He thinks it's funny to run and be chased (of course we don't chase) and was obviously chased in his previous life.  Hard hard hard habit to break, but we are getting there. 

We all went camping the past two weekends, and Benny is starting to get the routine.  We go places where we are the only ones around and he can be off leash and we can work on the whole coming when called issue and he has a chance to finally be a dog!  My favorite is when both boys "do their business" and then kick with their back paws.  Love it!

So... we have all settled in to a routine.  Benny sleeps between our pillows and Coop sleeps at our feet.  All is right in the world!

I go to Seattle this Tuesday to have my trachea evaluated and hopefully will have surgery on Thursday if all goes well.  The boys will all go along.  We are taking the RV so they will have a comfy place to stay.  And as an added bonus, Benny is a big snuggle bug, so he will be a comfort as I am recovering.  :) 

Thank you all for your advice and more importantly your understanding as we dealt with the upheaval in our home.  Knowing that others had gone through similar things when they added a second dog was a huge comfort.  Plus, knowing that I had a way out and could just be a foster and get Benny on his way to a good home made it possible for me to relax and see Benny as a number two dog and sort things out.  That was a huge mental shift for me, and made this all possible.  Thank you!


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Benny being a "dog collar" after fishing!

Great picture!!

Great picture! Congrats on the great news.
How cute!!!

That is too cute! So amazing how this all worked out in the end.  Very happy for all of you!!

Christina, This is such wonderful news. Pretty soon you will not remember what life was like with only one dog. I knew those dogs would work it out. YAY! Good luck with your surgery and keep us posted. Thank you for taking a chance on Benny!

That's such great news, I love your new Benny collar!  Very best of luck with that surgery if it goes ahead.  Those RV's sure do come in handy and you will have lots of Doodle snuggles waiting for you.  I remember your original post and all that concern.  It seems that once you relaxed and saw yourself as a foster home it all became much easier to handle.  You have given this little guy a wonderful new beginning and a very happy and loving home.

I forgot to mention...I am pretty sure I have figured out what Benny is; here's a hint, he is not just "poodle mix."  The back half of his tongue is black.  Researching breeds that can have black tongues plus color, personality, and size, I am pretty sure he is a Cairn Terrier/Poodle mix!  The boys together are quite the attention grabbers, and everyone always wants to know what they are.  Coop is a multi-gen Australian Labradoodle that I purchased from a breeder, and I tell people that Benny is a Toodle (Terrier Poodle.)  I just say it with some authority like I know what I am talking about, and they buy it!  :)

A Doodle and a Toodle...sounds like a great combination. I always said if we got a Dachshund we would have two Doodles and a Noodle...LOL!

LOL! That is funny. I would like to see the look on peoples faces when you say he is a Toodle!!  Now that his hair is a bit longer he really looks a lot like Tara who is a mini ALD.

That is so exciting!  I'm glad everything worked out for you and your family!

Thanks for sharing the rest of the story!!!  It is amazing how things can turn around like this when in the beginning it all seemed like a big mistake.  I am so glad that Cooper decided he wanted to keep little dog and make him a part of the family.  My dog Jake usually ignores any foster dog that comes in the first week or 2 but it is so exciting (to me at least) when they start to play together and all is well with the world.  Benny has turned into a beautiful Toodle:)  In addition, I hope everything goes well with your upcoming surgery.



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