Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

DH: "I think Chewie has too many toys. You need to stop buying"

Me: "No way! Chewie does NOT have too many toys! And I buy mostly to replace toys that are broken, old...or out of style." End of discussion.

But then I thought to myself, How many is "TOO MANY" toys?

How many (active) toys does your doodle have at any given time?


Then I also thought...who cares if Chewie really has "too many" toys!?!...I love my little doodle and think he's super duper cute playing with the toys. I will NEVER stop buying!! :)

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I keep saying Camus does not need any more toys and then ...... I get him a new toy!  He has 6 or 7 in the car (for the park), 6 at the office (he needs more for the office), 2 favorite stuffed animals in the bedroom, a at the moment 5 in his crate, 20 in his toy box, and then I have a bag in the closet with toys to rotate.  I rotate his toys occasionally to help with boredom and on those rare occasions when I begin to feel guilty about his having too many toys I put a few away and feel better instantly.  His favorite toys are the stuffed animals and he does not destroy them. So you most likely guessed my answer to your question.  Never too many toys!

Chewie has toys in every room of the house too. Bathroom included. Needs something to play with while he waits for me to shower.

We have a small bin in the family room that holds the "current" toys and 3 bins up on a shelf in the office that hold the reserves.  I rotate them every so often so they don't get bored or when the stuffies start to really stink and need a trip through the washing machine.  Unfortunately, Cubbie has a good memory and when he decides that there is a toy he wants that isn't in the main bin, he will sit in the office and literally cry until someone comes to his rescue.  which basically means that has carried on long enough to annoy one of us so much that we take the spare bins down and let him dig through to find the toy that he just HAD to have.  Then he is quiet again and we are all happy.  :)

LOL. Smart Cubbie.
I rotate Chewie's toys from a bin on the shelf too. He doesn't cry if he wants something in it, he just sits there and stares (and stares) at the bin until someone caves (usually its me) and brings down the bin.

Stella thinks there are never to many toys!

Great picture!! Where's Stella? LOL
Jack Daniels is under the firm belief that their is just no such thing as too many toys. He loves his toys.. I mean loves. He has an entire kids toy center with nine bins of toys...he doesn't like balls.

He loves all of them...he knows where they go and sometimes right before we go to sleep he must think about the, because he jumps out of bed bangs his body against the door and when I open it...he goes and searches for whatever was in his head to get.

He loves me to sit on the floor and throw his stuffies to the other side of the house...

We also have bags of holiday toys...that come out and go away with the seasons....I want to stop buying toys..but he really appreciates them..and I love to make him happy....

No such thing as too many toys!
That's so cute.
Chewie loves to chase toys across the room too.

Given the unanimous response that THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS TOO MANY TOYS, I went to buy more toys at the PetExpo (an annual event where all the toys/petfood suppliers gather in one place, offering great selection at great prices)

Here's our successful haul from the PetExpo yesterday, 16 toys for just 2,500 Thai Baht (or around US$83).

Hohoho. Early Christmast for Chewie :)


Wow--looks like you did great! You'll have to report back on which are Chewie's favorites.
Current favourite is the hoop ring chew toy (towards of top right)
I'm rationing the toys so not all are out all at once.



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