Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our Friday morning walk got quite interesting when we encountered a coyote on the trail. Usually, they stay away, but this one was very persistent and barked back at Monty. The video is of poor quality, I only had my cell phone with me.

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My neighborhood is the unofficial rabbit capitol of the free world, so no need to feed the coyotes. Every lawn looks like a scene from a Disney movie, the pickings are plentiful.

There was a similar story in NYC a few years ago : ) This one in Chicago was a beauty.

My ALD loves when I watch  doggie video on the computer.  He comes running to see what is going on.  I'm impressed that you got even this much with your phone camera.  I don't even know how to work mine.

Geeze ... I am going to go to IL in June if my health holds up long enough for my breeders doodle romp. I am so glad I am not bringing Jack, He is no bigger then a big rabbit...and we will be in Chicago. 

We have alligators here in SC, they are all over my mom's development.. I live in the middle of the state.. To my knowledge I only have to fear big hawks swooping down and getting Jack...

So a doodle romp without Jack? Hmmm. ;-)

Now, meeting an alligator would be much scarier. Brrr, that's just not right.

Whoa....I thought my encounter with 2 wild piggies was scarey!!!

It WAS scary! Pigs are crazy!

Kind of a barkfest stand off.



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