Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I thought all of you should know that Ozzy died a couple of days ago from cancer.I never saw any signs of it until 4 days before he died.It  was like he got hit by a bus or something.Im still in shock.My family came to stay with me for a few days to help me out.But now they are gone and im sitting here with Dakota and losing my mind.My family told me that i need another dog but I dont know.Im not sure of anything right now.

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Jared, I am so sorry to hear about Ozzy.  Take time to grieve and remember all of the wonderful times you had with him.

Oh Jared,

My heart just sank when I saw this post.  I'm heartbroken for you and with you.  You and Dakota hold on to each other. Stay close and stay together.  Honestly, I am so sorry. 

I'm so sorry Jared.  What a sudden, tragic loss of a dear furry friend. 

There isn't anything to say that will make this any better.  I am so sorry you have lost Ozzy, and am glad that he didn't suffer for a long time.  You and Dakota take care of one another.

Jared, I am so sorry. I know Ozzy was the dog of your heart.  It is just so devastating for the family when you have no idea your beloved dog is seriously ill. When we took our lab mix in for a limp that we thought was arthritis, we also were blind-sided by the diagnosis of terminal cancer and how little time he had left.  I think even the vet was shocked. 

My condolences on the loss of Ozzy. It was sweet of your family to come and comfort you, and I'm sure they mean well when they say you should get another dog--it is probably very hard for them to see you so sad. Another dog will come into your life when you are ready. In the meantime, you and Dakota can be there for each other.

Jared - I am sorry to hear you lost your Ozzy.  It is so heart-wrenchingly sad to lose a beloved pet.  We all process this in our way and time. You will know when it feels right to get another dog or not.  I am so glad you have Dakota to cuddle up with.  When it gets bad - let him take you for a walk, it might make you feel a little better.  Take care yourself and Dakota. 

Jared, I am so sorry you have lost your dear Ozzy.  I know the pain and loss you are feeling.  Hold Dakota tight and be a comfort to each other.  

So sorry to hear that your Ozzy has passed.   You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Jared, sorry to hear about Ozzy.   :-(

Jared I'm so so sorry. How sad and terrible. I know you loved Ozzy very much. Take care of yourself. Eat ice cream and then get lots of exercise. You will get through this one day at a time. i'm very sorry.

I'm so sorry... Cancer can be like that in dogs.  They are generally completely asymptomatic and by the time you know something is wrong, nothing can be done.  I know it is so painful to lose a beloved companion.  My heart goes out to you.



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