Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum



Since I have been a member on DK, I have learned so much useful information and a lot about members’ dogs.  I know about the illnesses that afflict some DK doodles.  I know which dogs are picky eaters and which ones have poop issues or behavior problems.  But it dawned on me, that with a few exceptions, I don’t really know much about the humans of DK.    Many of us recently stepped out of our comfort zones to post pictures of ourselves on our profiles, but there is no lasting record of that.  I know that DK members are compassionate people that are truly invested in the lives of their doodles, but what makes you tic?  Who are you when you have to step away from DK and enter the real world (the horror!!)?  So I challenge you to give us a little info about the person behind the dog. 


I’ll go first.


Name: Amy

Location: Dyer, IN (35 minutes outside of Chicago)

Generation: Millennial   (

Birth Order: Oldest of 3 kids – the only girl

Family: Husband, no kids

Education: Purdue and DePaul

Occupation: CPA – I work as a tax analyst for a Steel Mill.  I hope to work as a Business Officer for a Public School in the near future; I want to feel like my job actually matters.

Biggest Fear:  I have a phobia of grasshoppers.  Yes, I know they don’t bite or anything but they just really freak me out.  They blend into their surroundings and when you least expect it they jump/fly around…yuck

General: super organized, sometimes impatient, a planner – not a spur of the moment type of person, shy – I much prefer to sit back and take it all in rather than be the center of attention, obsessed with details, cautious (I was going to list the craziest thing I had ever done, but then I couldn’t come up with anything so I had to leave it out!), and incredibly sarcastic – but I swear, I am NOT as boring as I sound!!

If I could have any pet (that isn’t a doodle), I would love to have:  A big fat penguin – one of those cute cartoony looking ones. 

Addiction: A new yogurt place recently opened here (called Red Mango).  You go in and fill up a cup with as much or as little yogurt/soft serve ice cream as you want and then you can top it with all kinds of great toppings (candy, cookies, fruit, choc syrup, etc).  I have become an addict, especially now that it has gotten warm outside.  I go there at least once a week, and I’m sure it will get worse before it gets better. 

Random Useless Fact About Me: I have eaten oatmeal almost every weekday morning since October 2009

Guilty Pleasure TV Show: Sister Wives -- I have no idea how I got started watching it, but now I am hooked.

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lol. I didn't know your name was Sheri.  I just knew you as "Lucy and Sophie's Mom" 

I am also addicted to Diet Mtn. Dew and love Pinterest.

Wow!  35 houses!  you have done a lot of packing then :).  I don't like snakes either!

My Dad was a builder/remodeler when I was growing up.  He would build a new house or remodel an older one and many times we lived in them till he decided to sell.  I swore when I left home I was never moving again.  However, it is just about a 50/50 split.  I've moved 17 times as an adult.  When we moved back to Ohio about 4 years ago I think I officially said never again.  It was a tough one as I'm not as young as I once was, lol!  However, the thought of living in this house for the rest of my life is a little scary!  My longest was the house we just left in FL.  We were there for 9.5 years. 

Sheri - my husband grew up in a military home so he moved every couple of years.  When we got married, we lived in our first home for a year then moved (same town, just a bigger house).  We lived in our second house for two years then moved - this time down the road twelve miles to a more "country" home.  After we'd lived in that house for about three years, Doug was itching to move, but I put my foot down!  I wanted our daughter, then age 5, to have the same stability I'd had as a child growing up.  So we've lived in the same house for 29 years now.  But guess what - next month we're moving, again just down the road a bit :)

LOL Sheri, Stacy and Clinton now share every dressing room with me, it's a curse.

I hate it when they are making fun of someone for something I own!  Sometimes I think they are a little off the mark.  Also, sometimes think that things that are popular in places other than NYC they don't understand.  As an example I watched them make a lady throw away a Vera Bradley large tote and really made fun of it.  Here in my part of the Country Vera Bradley is huge.  That was probably a $100 tote bag they just tossed in the trash.  However, having spent a lot of time working in the fashion industry in NYC I know that they have a completely different fashion sense than the rest of the Country.  I think they do a pretty good job most of the time.  Occasionally though I'm like seriously, I don't think she should wear that! 

Oh, I forgot What Not to Wear as one of my favorites.  I LOVE that show.

But why did they replace Nick with that new hair stylist?  I loved Nick!  I could really use Carmandy to help me out with my make-uo

You don't need makeup when you've got doodles, they ain't lookin at you. :>) My makeup these days is a pair of nice big sunglasses.

Sometimes I like to think no one recognizes me when I wear sunglasses. At least they hide dark circles.

Ohhh, I gotta disagree on this one.  I love the new guy over Nick!  I think that his haircuts are always more suited to the person.  I have trouble even looking at Nick's own hair! 



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