Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Been a long day...Hurley is out of surgery just now!! It went well!! Very good...he has no more cysts!

He will sleep for a couple of hours and come home tonight!!

What a time we have had time since all of this has happened!! Now look at's done...he is going to have a long and healthy life...thank you all for saving my dog....!!

I will write soon..I have a lot to say to you all....!!

love to you all,

Regina and Hurley

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Wonderful news! I hope you can get some rest.

Don't put anything past this group!   This is great news.  Just really good news.  Hurley, take it very easy for the next few days. Rest, get better. 

OMD, what wonderful news! Rest and heal, Hurley, better days are just around the corner!

Regina, you get some rest, too!

How wonderful!!!  Keep us posted - and take good care of Hurley AND yourself :)

Fantastic news!  What a wonderful feeling!  Wishing Hurley a very speedy recovery from this surgery!

Yay Hurley!
Such good news! So happy for Hurley and you!

That's really wonderful, I just love it when a plan comes together.

Yay!!!  This is such GREAT news, so glad everything went well and can't wait for an update.  Prayers for a quick recovery and a back to normal life for you all :)


Oh, That is So Wonderful to Hear!!

rest up all of you.  I hope the weekend goes well.

wonderful !  Can't wait to hear what the doctors said, etc.  You should be very proud of what you've done for him, Regina.  We all admire you for your spirit & know it wasn't easy.  Congratulations on the start of a carefree life for Hurley :)
Regina, I could not be happier that Hurley is going to be ok. He will growup to be a healthy, happy doodle and this will be a distant memory. I fought so hard for Cassie and could not save her, Hurley became my surrogate dog and I am overjoyed for us all. Lots of love, hugs and prayers for you all. Good for you for fighting so very hard for him.



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