Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Do any of you have experience with doodles and parvo?

My wife and I brought home our first puppy together on Tuesday, saw a definite change in energy level/willingness to eat on thursday and friday, and had a positive parvo test on Saturday. I feel terrible we did not take her to the vet on thurs or friday, but we figured (and were counseled by the breeder) that the decrease in energy was due to lack of food and that the lack of food was due to all the change in the puppies life (food, environment, etc). 

The vet is optimistic that we can keep her healthy and get through it, but I don't think either of us will have much confidence until she is home and healthy. We visited her today and she wagged her tail when we walked in, but feel asleep against our legs as soon as we sat down next to her. Looks like she still has a way to go. 

We have a few questions that I hope you can help us answer. We have not been able to speak with our vet (weekend), but the information from the 24hr clinic vet, my uncle (vet), and random google seraches leaves us a little confused. 

1. We're cleaning (washing with bleach) all of her toys, bedding, and crate. I don't plan on getting another puppy anytime soon and don't want to kill the entire backyard, would it be irresponsible not to bleach the yard?

2. We intended on enrolling her in local puppy classes and maybe some later training classes, will we have a hard time getting in once willow is back and recovered?

3. I don't want to spread any info on the breeder until I know if they will reimburse expenses. I don't have much visibility to the breeder world - how common is it for responsible and legitimate breeders to have parvo outbreaks? I'll never understand how the breeder didn't make me aware that they had a puppy from Willow's litter returned to them with confirmed (twice confirmed, at that) case of parvo. They claim they thought it was a false positive, but I am convinced she should have told me when I called to ask about willows symptoms (after the other puppy had been returned and tested twice). 

any other experience or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks for your help,


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Ward, I just wanted to say I am sorry your sweet puppy has Parvo. She is just adorable and this is a very hard way to start the beginning of your relationship. Please keep us posted.

I am so sorry that your puppy is sick that picture just breaks my heart, I hope she is well and home soon. The problem with the yard is that even if you kept the puppy out of there for a whole year, you would have to keep everyone else out as well as the virus is getting carried around on the shoes of anyone who has walked in your yard and may get spread to other dogs who are not vaccinated. This is a tough situation and I wish you well in trying to deal with it.

I'm so sorry about Willow. I hope she pulls through! DK is a great source of info, so I hope you stick around with us. Take Care.

Also, I'm not sure what can be done in these circumstances, but once Willow is better, I'd be thinking about visiting a lawyer. Not just due to the cost of Willow and her vet bills, but the emotional toll, the whole back yard ordeal, etc. These things make me so furious!

I agree with Sherri. The breeder's response to your initial concerns about Willow's change in behavior are very disturbing.

Willow is so small, did she actually visit every part of your yard?  If not perhaps you will need to bleach only parts.  I am sending wishes for Willow's full recovery.

I'm sorry to hear Willow is so sick. I will keep her in positive thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. Please keep us posted.

Ward, how is Willow doing today?

Ward - I am so sorry to hear of what your are experiencing with your new little one. Willow is absolutely beautiful and I hope she can make it through this ordeal.  I would ask the vet what you need to do regarding your yard, etc. 

Please do not let this breeder get off scott-free on this.  The best possible scenario for the breeder is that she be put right out of business! 

Please keep us posted on Willow's status,

Charlie Brown & Linda Smilies

Ward,  I am so sorry to see your sweet little Willow suffering.  Sending positive and healing thoughts!!  Please keep us posted.  You are in the right place to find support here at Doodle Kisses!

I was finally to get in touch of the  DR at the hospital today - willow is not getting better, but she is not getting worse, which he indicated is typical for parvo at this point. So here's a quick overview:

Saturday afternoon: no food intake, minimal water intake, got the positive Parvo test and checked her in to the hospital

Saturday night/sunday morning: She rebounded from IV fluids and was energetic all night and during the morning. Ate all of her food sunday morning

Sunday during the day and night: visited her twice, terrible energy levels and no food intake

Today: ate a little bit of food this morning, but generally showing no interest in food. poor energy levels again.

My wife and one of her special ed students showed up to visit willow as I was wrapping up the phone call with the dr. so hopefully they will encourage her and get her excited enough to eat some.

The initial estimate was 1-3 days in the "intensive care" but now the Dr. is thinking 4-6 days.  Hoping she'll turn the corner soon. I'm really hesitant to transfer her to her primary vet - don't like her spending the night unsupervised. Would really like to see her rebound for 24 hours before bringing her home

Thanks for the encouragement,


Goodness, thinking of you.  I hope she gets better soon - she is adorable. 


As far as parvo goes, it is so contagious it's crazy.  I would consider bleaching the yard because you could carry it on your own shoes to a pet store and if a puppy walked on it, it could contract the disease. 


Let me put it to you this way:  my doodle's breeder schedules "doodle romps" in May/June each year.  She is not having one right now because of the parvo outbreaks around our area.  She has a litter of puppies and even if she left them at home, if she and her other doodles came to the romp, they could take it home and infest the puppies.  It's serious and very contagious.


Saying a prayer for your little one!



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