Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I just don't get it. How stupid can people be? Frankly, I think they should just remove themselves from the gene pool now.
Anyone with a modicum of intelligence would know that leaving a dog, any dog, in a car in warm, hot weather is a death sentence for that animal. My heart just breaks for this poor dog who had the miserable misfortune to be with these people.
That is a fantastic idea....that and common sense like putting your purse or something you take in to work next to the baby so it reminds you he or she is there.
Lisa, I am guessing anyone who would forget their baby is not blessed with a lot of common sense. I don't care how busy you are, how the heck do you forget you have a baby in the car.
True Story!
It is very hard to be compassionate in these cases, both baby and dog incidents.There was one in our area a couple of years ago. The woman had backed up to the front doors of the school to take out treats for her classroom (baby in his seat in the back) then pulled into a parking space and went in to teach her class, apparently had a party. The baby died in the card. The reason she forgot supposedly because it was not a normal procedure for her...the cupcake stop took her out of her usual routine. DUH!
happened in Toronto once too. The husband didn't normally take the baby to daycare but had her that day. He drove to the subway station, parked and left her there all day. I can't remember if someone found her or if he did on his way home from work. How horrific!
I think the gps sensor is a brilliant idea. I'm also wondering if there is some way to have the car automatically cool itself off a bit if it gets too hot. Maybe some sort of fan that is triggered when the temperature gets too high...
What is needed is a sensor device that detects movement in the vehicle but does not go off unless the temperature range is unsafe, too high or too low. With all the computerized devices available surely there must be a whiz kid out there that could design/invent one.
This is a brilliant idea. The other "thing" did also have a temperature sensor. I think we should tell someone or you should patent the idea and make jillions. Live in France in luxury! ;o)
Excellent idea, but I'll bet someone has already got a patent and just sitting on it. Intellectual property is a big business. However, maybe someone on Doodle Kisses has a brilliant off-spring into electronic type things. Then we could patent it as a group and all make jillions!!
Another brilliant idea. We could all donate our jillions to to animal care or whatever charity stirs our hearts.
This is horrible. How terrible!
Unbelievable! Today was a super hot day, I think it was 31 degrees. On our way to the park I stopped at the convenience store to buy water - for the doodles. I took the time to take the doodles out of the car, tethered them firmly to a pole right outside the door, walked to the fridge backwards so I didn't take my eyes off of them, and while standing in line I was no more than 8 feet away from them. Paid for my three bottles, untethered them, brought them back to the car, started it first to get the a/c going, gave them a drink, then loaded them back in and off we went to the park. The whole ordeal took about 4 mins, max, and I would have only saved about 1 minute by leaving them inside the car. And now I have a plan to buy multiple refillable water containers so I don't have to worry about it again.
What kind of a selfish idiot would leave a dog in a car while they go to the mall!!!! GAAAAAAARHHHHH. even if the temperature was cold, I wouldn't do it, it's not fair to the dog! I'm sure S&W wouldn't have suffocated the two mins or so I would have been in the store, but it's selfish to not consider your dogs comfort, let alone safety.
How stupid can one be??????
What is needed is an air cooling device that works when the engine is turned off. Although you can't invent or legislate for stupidity.
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