Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I have been thinking about this more and more lately - I think because our world is going to be rocked in a few months with the arrival of our little girl Charlotte. I have been cherishing the quiet moments around the house, bonding with the dogs, date nights with DH, etc...
Lately the mornings have been so lovely. They are my favorite time with Peri doodle. After DH takes the dogs for their morning walk and they eat breakfast, Taquito hops on the living room couch for his morning nap, but Peri follows me while I get ready for work.
She starts by lying just outside of the bathroom while I shower. Then when I move into the room to put my makeup on (in the guest room actually), she follows me and hops on the bed OR sits right under my feet while I get ready. If for some reason she is not in the room when I begin (that is rare), I call her by saying "come on makeup partner" and she is there in a few seconds. I usually then go back to the bathroom to finish my hair and she sits outside the door again and waits for me.
We then proceed to my bedroom to change and she lays on the rug and just watches me, sometimes she comes up and rubs her head on my leg. After I finish and get ready to leave, she walks me to the garage door and puts her head by my side for some goodbye pets. Every morning this occurs and it is our special time. She doesn't follow DH around, only me. And Taquito is off doing his own thing, so it's just the two of us.
Do any of you have special times like this with your doodle? I am sure you do!
Your morning routine is adorable!
Since it's just Halas and me in the house, we have a lot of one-on-one time, but there are a few times that are my favorites. I go home for lunch every day, and Halas either greets me at the door, or I have to go find him in bed. He kind of ducks his head and pushes it into my stomach or my legs while I give him some scratches. Then we head out for walk. It isn't usually a very long walk, but he needs it to do his business, and I need it as a nice break from work in the middle of the day. I really do miss it if I can't get home for some reason.
But morning cuddle-dood time is my favorite. A little while before the alarm goes off, I will feel Halas walking over to me and plopping down, usually right up against my back. He'll just go back to sleep until the alarm goes off, and then he waits patiently while I hit snooze a few times. As I wake up, I'll give him belly scratches and kisses, and he'll just lay there sleepily in his doodle pose getting his cuddle time in. It's only a few minutes, but it's a great way to start the day.
At 6:15 every morning, my DH gets up to run the dogs. Kona comes to my side of the bed thumping his tail against the wall. I lean over and give him full body scratches until DH is in his running clothes. It's our special morning wake up routine.
My Kona is such a love boy. When I sit on the couch, he sits in front of me with his side next to me. I lean over to pet him, and he tucks the bridge of his nose under my chin and presses up so he is snugly holding my neck. It is so sweet and cuddly. I just keep petting and he keeps pressing gently into my neck. I love this doodle boy so much. We have this love-fest every day at least once.
Bonnie, you have a real love bug!
I do and I am soooo blessed!
We got Kona exactly one week after our Golden Retriever died. The ad said that his mother's eyes looked deep into your soul. That immediately made me think of our golden. Now we have another calm, wise, deeply loving dog. His half brother is a whole different story, but we love his joie de vivre (as Laurie so aptly called it). Grabbing a love moment with Owen is barely possible, but so special when it does happen.
When we first got our girls neither of us were working. After about 6 months DH decided to go back to work and that left me at home with the girls all day by myself. DH always felt like they were a little partial to me because they spent so much time with me. They pretty much follow me everywhere and want to be in whatever room I'm in. In January when he retired he decided that he was going to have some bonding time with the girls each day (trying to win them over) and he decided that he would brush them. So, faithfully, every morning before much of anything else happens he takes them both into the dog room and brushes them both out. Then he tells them to go find Mom and I am to have a treat for them for being good while they were being brushed and tell them how pretty they are. I gotta say, it's a win win for me. The doodles get brushed every day and I don't have to do it! Yeah! :o)
Wow, I'm so jealous!
AND they thank you for giving them a treat! You get the good end of the lollipop in this one every which way you look at it! Thank you, DH!
Love it - nice when DH helps :)
When I get home from work, I'm usually beyond stressed. After I change, I sit on the couch for a few minutes and Tank always jumps up, lays with the top half of his body across my lap and lays his head against my chest. It's like he knows how stressed I am and it's his way of telling me to relax. After a few minutes, whatever stressed me just does not seem all that important any longer. Sully likes to jump up beside me and turn over so I can scratch his belly. Maybe that's more for him than me, but I enjoy it as much as he does.
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