Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Brinkley has developed two hot spots since I last wrote about him being itchy. A few suggested he could have seasonal allergies, which I wouldn't doubt because it is certainly worse after he comes in from playing. He has a vet appointment on Monday. I have him on allergy meds, I just gave him his first dose of evening primrose and I sprayed the red spots with hydrocortisone anti-itch spray. I also wipe him down after he's been outside. Is there anything else I should do for the weekend to sustain him until his vet appointment in Monday? I've never seen him itch like this! the allergy meds helped at first and they are working to an extent but they certainly haven't stopped the itching all together. He's asleep right now and he hasn't gone for the red spots since I sprayed them. I hate seeing him like this!

This seems to be a repeated topic on here lately...I just want to make sure I'm doing everything I can until he sees the vet.

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This is a pretty common pattern with seasonal allergies, itching, scratching, licking, and the development of hot spots. And it is horrible to watch them in such misery.

The only thing you can do is try to keep the spots as clean and dry as possible, because they can get infected and spread like wildfire.

I may have mentioned this before, but in addition to wiping him down,  wash his bedding and his food and water bowls, and vacuum any areas where he spends a lot of time.

It's a repeated topic lately because this is one of the worst years for seasonal allergies ever.

Hope he feels better soon.

Okay! I just washed my bedding since that is where he sleeps and I will wash his bowls again. Thanks!!

I'm sorry to hear this. Sounds like you're doing what you can.

It sounds like you are doing a great job of keeping him as comfortable as possible for now. Hope he gets some relief from the itches soon!

I'm happy to report that the addition of Evening Primrose had made a world of difference after just two doses! Actually yesterday his itches really calmed down a few hours after the first pill. And he hasn't gone near the hotspots since I sprayed them with hydrocortisone so they've started to heal!!! I'm soooo happy!! Do you think he still needs a vet visit for a cortisone or steroid shot? What can they do for him that I can't do? I don't have an issue taking him, but know you guys have more experience with it.

I would still take him. But if the vet feels corticosteroids are warranted, you do not want a shot, you want pills. Trust me on this one. The steroids should not be used frivolously, but they work miracles and will stop the tiching and give the hot spots a chance to calm down, heal, and not become infected, if they aren't already.

I'm glad the EPO is helping, though.

Okay thanks? What is difference and reason for pills vs. shot (just so I know if I have to put up a fight?)

I can't give you a scientific answer, but JD's dermatology specialist raised the roof once when she was out of town and the regular vet gave him a shot of Vetalog instead of prescribing the pills. I think you have more control over the dosage with pills and can give lower doses initially.  

There may be times when parenteral, that is injected, medication is a good idea. I would suggest you ask for the rationale rather than put up a fight : ) Oral steroids can be titrated easily. With people, the routine often is for steroids to be given at a higher dose initially and then tapered down. Tapering allows the adrenal glands to adjust and begin their job of putting out appropriate amounts of steroids again.

I am glad to hear the EPO helps. I think it makes a lot of difference with Calla's scratching. If you think the pots look better I see no harm in watchful waiting til Tuesday. Then is all is well good. If not, you might want to get Brinkley in before the holiday.

Okay one last question. Did the EPO make your dog's breath stink! He has a new odor to him now especially when he's breathing hard. Stinky!!

Nope. Calla does that all on her own but PetzLife, you can search for discussion on it, helps a lot. I use the Peppermint gel.



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