Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I need help. my 7 month old ladbraoodle Dixie is chewing anything that is wood in the house. my training issue is resolved but she is chewing the wood stairs in my basement.I have chew toys, kongs that I put peanut butter in, + plenty of raw hids.  I was doing housework for about an hour and went to check on her + she was chewing the basement stair- and had been at it for a while.

Pease help with any ideas to resolve this.



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I agree with the advice here... don't leave her alone and spray lots of bitter apple.  Cocoa was a wood chewer (as well as dry wall)when she was young and I had to keep a very close eye on her at all times.  When I was out she went into her crate, when I was home she was in the same room as I was.  Shortly after she turned one year old she stopped chewing wood and hasn't done it since.

I used hot sauce on the wood furniture when Kona went through this phase.  She had certain furntiture she liked, when she got a taste of the hot sauce she learned it wasn't so much fun anymore to knaw on the wood.  She then chose her chew toys :)



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