Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have been using the Premier Gentle Leader Easy Walk Harness with Murphy now for about 3 months. It was amazing the difference the very first time we used it. It has actually been a great training aide because now when we use a regular leash he almost never pulls any more. I am so happy with the results that I had to share!!

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Hi, Meg:
A lot of us love it! here's a link to the discussion in the DK reviews section:

I've been using it with Jack for 2 years; a lot of people were wondering what would happen if you tried to switch to a regular leash; they would be interested if you posted the above comments there as well.
Does (or did) Murphy try to rub his muzzle on the ground with it on? I have one for Kachi & I loved it, except the fact that it would start to bother him, and he would stop to try to rub his face on the ground. I wonder if I have been putting it on wrong, because he acts like it really bothers him. I don't know if it pinches the hair under his snout, or what, but it happens every time I use it. I got tried of him wanting to stop, and me having to check to see if I needed to readjust it, or what the problem was! But I loved the no pulling! Maybe I should give it another go.
I don't use the one that goes over his snout. I have the harness that goes over his head and under his belly. The leash attaches at the chest. He does very well walking with it and it doesn't seem to bother him at all but if I forget and leave it on him he will chew it off because it bothers him when he lays down. He has chewed 2 of them but they are guaranteed so I sent it in for replacement. I can't tell you how happy I am with this.
The "Easy Walk Harness" is the one without anything on the face or head. Gentle leader makes two different styles. This is the one we're talking about:

This is the head collar:
Try the harness that they are talking is fabulous!!!!
Oh! I will be getting this one for sure! Thank you.
When I use the gentle leader harness, L & R refuse to jump into the back of the SUV, so I have to put it on when they get out - very minor problem, just thought I'd share that.

They still pull like crazy on regular leashes, when I walk them both, so it the harness hasn't helped much in terms of training ;(



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