Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know you can use the human formula of Rescue Remedy on dogs, but wanted to ask about dosage, etc.  If you have used this in the past for your dogs, could you please advise me?  I was only able to find the "human" formula locally and wanted to try it tonight, as Grover is terrified of the fireworks (as well as thunder...and yes, I purchased the Thundershirt today also)  Last night was his worst night ever so we were relieved to find a pet store open today.

I have the spray, so don't know whether to spray directly in his mouth or rub on his gums....I've even read of people putting it on the dogs ears? 

Also, is there a big difference in the "pet" formula, as opposed to the "human"....or any benefits?

Thanks for any help:)

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Here's an article from the American Cancer Society about a "natural" herbal supplement which I personally use, valerian root.

I use it to help me sleep, along with another supplement, 5-HTP. I would never in one hundred million years suggest to anyone else that they should try this, because as you will see by reading the article, there can be serious side-effects and interactions with drugs a person may be taking. Many herbs interact with various drugs, even though they are natural plant substances. Taking it is my choice, but advising someone else to take it could be causing them harm, and how do I know that they don't have an underlying disease causing their sleeplessness, for which treatment might be delayed by my advice?

I firmly believe that if there is any validity to the effectiveness of any "natural" or alternative treatment, there will be some clinical evidence of it somewhere on the internet besides anecdotal information or the claims of the person who is selling it. You often hear that the "big drug companies" won't investigate or research these things because there isn't any money in it, but that simply isn't true. There is definitely money to be made from any product that is effective in curing or reducing symptoms of widespread ailments like allergies, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, etc. Right now, JD's life is being greatly enhanced by a human probiotic which is available without prescription. In addition to large double-blind studies done on humans with IBS, ulcerative colitis, and ileal pouch disease, there is currently a $100,000 study being conducted at the Iowa veterinary school on the use of this probiotic to help lessen the need for Rx drugs in dogs with IBD. This study is funded not by drug companies, but by the AKC, with sponsorship by several of the breed clubs.

The point being that if there is even the slightest chance that something safe and natural is also effective for anything, you can rest assured that there is research on it. And if there isn't, my advice is to stay far, far, away. If i had followed the advice I've been given by well-meaning people in forums on how to treat JD's illnesses with "natural" products and diets, he would be dead now.


Well said, Karen.  Coincidentally I was just looking into a product by Vet's Best called Comfort Calm and it contained valerian root & tryptophan.  I'm very cautious with any herbal products for myself or my family, but I'm even worse with my doodles!  I can't remember being this bad with my two human children. 

When it comes to herbals, I may be knowledgeable about them, but have used very few:)  I have enjoyed studying them over the last few years, through various courses,workshops and classes.....I think it has taught me a valuable respect for them!

No, I would not advise others on what to use either Karen. It is a precise "science" and I also find it disturbing that so many MD's are now becoming interested in recommended natural remedies to their patients. They usually have no or minimal training in that area and it seems akin to practicing (natural)  medicine without a license to me. :)

Well, thanks everyone...I guess, LOL. 

Please understand that I do cuddle and calm my dog during these events...was just seeking to find something IN ADDITION, not as an alternate, as he's terrified and shaking regardless and even after the "noise" is finished, will take a good hour or more to relax enough to lay down.....he spends the whole time sitting in my lap, literally.

 I'm also very well studied in herbs, as well as aromatherapy and will be one of the first in line to advise extreme caution.....being one of the reasons I was looking for any experienced users.  As far as the product itself, I know exactly what it is, just never used it personally.  I agree that the debate can go on and on with homeopathic remedies.  To each, his own.

Regarding the thundershirt, I've previously heard both good and bad and didn't put too much faith in it....was just hoping for any tiny bit of comfort it might bring Grover.

To sum it all up....neither the Bach's nor the shirt made one iota of difference:(  Luckily puking.

Thanks again.

Well, I'm glad to hear there was no puking! Poor guy!  I had a previous dog with extreme anxiety and bought him a shirt called The Anxiety Wrap. I'm sure that it is probably based on the same principle as the Thundershirt. In my dog's case, it really did help him to stay calmer. I say calmer but not completely calm. But I could definitely see an improvement and anything little thing that helped was appreciated!

It's all the same principle as swaddling a baby. The feeling of being "wrapped up tight" seems to bring a feeling of security. Totally makes sense to me. A lot of anxiety and panic stems from a feeling of being out of control. And the trembling is involuntarily, which adds to that feeling.

yes, the thundershirt is based on the same principle.  I still haven't given up on the shirt yet, it may have helped a bit and as you said any little bit is appreciated.

I have used the Thundershirt with results. At least I thought they were good results. I used it on two different dogs with two different issues. Again, NO MIRACLE but it seemed to taper some of the severity of the symptoms.  Small result but anything that may help, certainly we want to try.

We have more information on this shirt and other products in the Anxiety Group here on DK

didn't realize there was an anxiety group...heading there now:) thank you!

I don't know how you feel about medication but some folks, I think Ronna (Murphy and Wilson) have had success with it. Maybe you could discuss the problem with your vet. I hope you find something to help Grover.

thanks, I am going to talk with the vet. I think the medication has both pros and cons, just like everything else.  I just want to do whats best for poor Grovey.  He had a bad experience tonight just waiting in the car with my husband....someone lit off fireworks right by the parking lot.  It wasn't even dark yet and I felt so badly for him.  Bah Humbug....I'm starting to hate not only July 4th, but summer in never know when to expect them!  At least thunder is a bit more specific, LOL. 

My concern with medication is that I wouldn't want to medicate him all the time and the times that I did medicate, by the time the meds become effective the fireworks or thunder would be over.  I definitely will discuss my options with the vet.

There are short term anxiety medications that would work for scheduled events. They take about 1/2 hour or less to work. But they only way to help for unexpected events is by giving daily medication. I hope your talk with the vet is helpful.



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