Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

my sweet lilly is 6 months.   i'll be brief instead of writing a book.  i was out of town for 2 weeks, my family was nice enough to leave lilly's poop for me to clean up.  which turned out to be a good thing.   found  feminine hygiene products ( 2 types ), paper towels, finer paper like tissues, ear buds, assorted plastic pieces in her poop.   then lots of diarrhea.  yellow stains on the (white) carpet (no one knew what it was)  report that she pooped in her crate one night.  reports of vomiting.  the family did take her to the groomer.  within an hour of my return i see she is scratching all over like crazy.  no one noticed.  

ok.  before i left for my trip we changed lillys food so i thought she was maybe allergic.  i switched her back to the "flavor" she usually ate.  added a little rice for the diarrhea, gave benadryl for scratching.  diarrhea stopped but not the scratching. maybe it was the shampoo from the groomer.  i gave her a bath with gentle oatmeal puppy shampoo.   still scratching.  

yesterday she turned away from her favorite treat, frozen peanut butter in the kong.  this morning vomiting as soon as she got up (so on an empty stomach).  i ran errands got home at 1pm and she hadn't touched a bite of her food nor drank one lick of water.  we live in las vegas, normally she drinks like a camel.

we went straight to the vet.   her temp was 104.2.  they put her on an iv for fluids, ran blood work, and took x-rays.  no obstruction, but her stomach is 1/2 full.  1/2  full of what?  the food she ate yesterday afternoon?

so tomorrow they will take more x-rays.  hopefully what ever was in her stomach will pass.  otherwise they'll operate.  vet called me as he was closing up tonight, her temp was back to normal.

please send good wishes, thoughts, vibes, or prayers.

thank you

(excuse typos or dyslexic type errors)

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Replies to This Discussion

So glad to hear that Lilly is going to be alright.  She definitely is a curious puppy and a cute one.   I can just imagine how relieved you are that she is okay. 

Glad to hear she is feeling better. It is so hard to leave your little one one you go away. Even more so when you return and they aren't feeling well.

Glad to hear a good outcome.



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