Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Is something new or did I just not notice before? I noticed we now have little boxes at the bottom of the discussions and blogs....Submit, Facebook like, Tweet, Pin it, etc. What does all this mean and how does it work?? Thank you!
They are for sharing on Social Media sites. If you are a user of Twitter, Pin it, Google Plus or FB for example you could 'share' there.
So, if someone FB likes, an entire discussion or blog goes on that site?
If i like it on FB then this discussion (probably just the title) will post on my wall. It will also show on all my friends newsfeed that "Joanna liked so and so discussion" and they can click on it to see what it is.
I think I agree on this ... I like my DK to be just that, Mine, not the worlds.
We won't let anyone know you are crazy! The only way anyone will know you are crazy is if YOU click on one of the sharing buttons so your friends will see your 'craziness'. But we don't call it crazy... we call it passionate! You are not required to share anything so your secret is safe with us.
ClarkP: If anyone reading a post LIKES it, won't the link to the entire post be on Facebook? If that is true it will mean that anyone posting will be out there for anyone to read whether they want that or not. I believe that it takes away the security of community that we have. I think that is will open up a lot of conversations to people that are not Doodle lovers.
It is true that friends of the person who "liked" the post can see a link to what they liked. Will some of their friends be non-doodle-lovers? Yes. But then they won't click on the link.
We have already had the Facebook "Like" button on DK for a couple years and have had no known negative effects. But if you ever see a problem, please let us know.
Some info on this update: I did add some additional buttons last night. I was mostly going after a Pinterest "Pin It" button. (Picture of doodles are great things to pin!) Our plan was to do a contest (we haven't done one in ages!) that involved Pinterest and getting photos pinned. We'll tell you more about this contest soon.
The Pinterest solution I found that would enable us to do this contest also added Google+ and StumbleUpon buttons. All the others ones (Favorite, Facebook, Share, and Tweet) have been available for use on DK for a very long time.
We haven't seen any abuse or unwanted attention because of the buttons we already had. But please let us know if you see problems as a result of any social sharing features. Whether it's the new buttons (Pinterest, G+, SU) or the longstanding ones (Share, FB, Twitter) let us know if you see any abuse. We are monitoring this closely and will remove anything that causes abuse.
In addition to my Doodle Kisses Addiction I am now a Pinterest Addict......Oh Boy! Compounding Addictions!!!!
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