Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just an update on Molly's curious black bump. She had it taken off today at the vet's. They did blood work first and the results of that won't be in until tomorrow. They have saved the "bump" in case we want it analyzed. Vet said to wait for the results of the blood work first because if there's nothing in her blood, he suggests that the bump is likely something very benign. I am not sure I agree but will wait until tomorrow to decide.

She's very tired tonight but is not worrying that spot at all. She has about 5 sutures as the back part of the "wart" was huge and really gross, so she needed quite a few stitches to close it up. He's painted the surgery site with this thick silvery stuff (yes that's a medical term) to close it off. 

So for now she's doing really well and is not in any discomfort. 


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JD and I hope that the lump turns out to indeed be something very benign and that Molly continues to feel well.

Coming from a human perspective, I don't agree with your vet at all. If this was a malignant mole I don't believe you'd necessarily see anything abnormal in the blood work. i'm glag Molly is done with the removal.

I think that's a good idea.

I am glad Molly had the bump removed and hope everything goes fine from here on out.

Glad to hear that the bump is gone! I agree with the thought of having it analyzed regardless of blood work results. Glad to hear she is doing well with it this evening. Keep us posted!

Glad she did well with the surgery, I am going with the other here and say the mole should be analyzed.

Im glad it is gone too.  That must have been big to get 5 sutures!  Good healing to Molly

I too would have it sent in to analyze.  Then you will have a definate answer...not just a blood test & can rest easy

Here is my story about why I would suggest getting the bump analyzed too.  My Charlie had a "bump" that sounds kind of similar to what Molly had.  Long story as to why, but at first I thought it was a very enlarged tick.  I took Charlie to the vet because I had never removed a tick myself before and when the vet tech went to show me how to remove it she realized that it wasn't a tick and was some sort of weird black looking bump.  She called in the vet and they were able to pull it off and in the process it started bleeding like crazy.  She put the silvery stuff on to stop the bleeding and she said she had no idea what it was.  She examined the bump and sliced it open with a scalpel but said she had never seen anything like it before.  I asked her what to do next and she said that she could send it away to be biopsied.  I asked her what she would do if it was her dog and she said that she would just throw it away and see if something came back.  Well, I listened to her and that is what we did.  Two weeks later at Charlie's check up we both said we wished that we had it biopsied.  So fast forward to today, a month later, and I just today found out that the bump is back.  So tomorrow we are off to the vet to have it removed and biopsied since it did come back.  I'm glad that Molly is doing well.  It sounds like that bump was very big!

Andrea, if you have enough of a shaved area pull the edges of the incision together and hold it with tape, it will help keep it from pulling on the other sutures and may even avoid the need for new sutures. Use clean tape or the tape part of a bandaid. Hope the analysis comes back as nothing to worry about.

Hope Molly has a good night and the vet can easily close the incision. Also hoping for a good analysis.

Often they won't re-stich because the wound is not clean now but it should granulate in.

 I'm praying for good results on Molly's "mass" analysis too. Thanks for the update.



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